Novated Lease on a Used Car

I'm interested to hear the thoughts or experiences of the community.

I have Mazda3 that I own outright, however I have the opportunity to do a sale and leaseback through maxxia. This would seem to make sense in this case primarily because the depreciation will be less on an older car vs a newer car, while it seems the ATO depreciation schedule does not differentiate between the two. Has anyone done this?


  • While a used car doesn't make any difference to the calculations per se you need to consider if a novated lease makes sense at all. These days they only seem to make sense compared to a dealer car loan and the biggest saving seems to come from new car GST and from their buying power on the car itself.

  • why would you want to pay interest on a lease if you own it outright? Do you need the cash for something?

    • I'm assuming the tax savings on running costs would outweigh the small loan's interest payments…

      • Interest and management fees are generally very high and hidden. All you can do is get a quote and see what it looks like.

  • I'll be doing this soon actually, huge benefits.

    You know the car inside and out, and is a far more reliable purchase than any other 2nd hand vehicle.
    Another point is that servicing costs increase as a car gets older, and the good thing is those service costs are incorporated into the lease along with other usual running costs. That alone is a lot of GST savings.

    People get hung up with novated leases on new cars only, but there's absolutely no reason why a used car can't be done as well… especially a car you know 100% on.

    Funds raised can then be put onto otherwise non tax deductible amounts (like credit cards, personal loans, or house loans), which benefit your after tax cash flow directly.

  • You may want to explore the option of Associate Lease, which might be better if you already owned the car outright.

  • Yes did this on a 2002 Corolla we owned.
    In 2005, Got $15,000 from the lease company on a novated lease on a 3 year term.
    3 years later traded it on a Pajero in 2008 and got $13,500 and the lease payout was only $8,000.
    I thought it worked out pretty well.
    That was 9 years ago and times are a bit different now.

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