Am I in Trouble? Said Fxxx to Scam Call

I got a scam call today saying they were from ATO. Threatened me that I will be in jail or pay $5k. I was scared and believed them. Then they said that I have to go to store and buy a voucher to pay them. So I know it is fake.

After work I called back and talked to the "senior officer". I said "fxxx you fxxxing liar. Youll be burn to hell."

Just wondering am I gonna be in trouble since that they seem to got my details. Name, phone number,address.

Btw, how can we report the number 0261900598.


  • +3

    After work I called back and talked to the "senior officer".

    Why? Don't take it personally, you're not the only person they've called and won't be the last. These ATO, Microsoft, bill debt scam calls have been going on for years and years.

    Just wondering am I gonna be in trouble since that they seem to got my details. Name, phone number,address.

    You gave them your details???? They're operating out of India/Pakistan area, they can't do shit, just like the US, UK and Aust can't really do shit about these scammers.

  • +3

    Good on ya for picking up on the scam, here's more confirmation that it is a known and reported scam cell:

    Best place to report it would be here:

  • +2
  • Google 0261900598, you'll see a number of scam register sires eg which has multiple references to your situation. Add your 2 cents worth?

    As for the language, highly doubtful IMHO, they're after your money not any bother.

    Remember the worried feeling though for next time and show a little restraint (language only, people who do these things deserve no consideration) perhaps?

  • +30

    Big trouble, to get out of it, you need to go and buy some itunes cards and send me the details.

  • +7

    stop worrying

  • +3

    Relax. These scammers are in another country and simply bounce their calls through an Australian gateway. They don't care about you or harsh language. They want money. If they had all the details they needed to extract money from you they wouldn't bother calling.

  • -3

    This is how you should be talking to the ATO anyway. F$@#%=*& p%$#@&

  • +1

    have a listen to the podcast "reply all" about the scammer that called the host and what they did.. highly recommend it

  • +7

    where you went wrong

    1. you didn't put the phone down the first time.
    2. you listened and didn't swear at them after that.
    3. you believed them and rang them back later which was dumb.
    4. you are still worrying about it.

    you are going to fall for the hospital bill/ car accident scam for sure. Read up about current scams and save yourself grief.

  • +3

    Get in trouble for swearing? lol

  • +1

    Thank God there is someone who gets worried even worse than me. Phewwwww

  • +3

    You're completely screwed now! Now the ATO really will arrest you.

  • +1

    No, you should've thrown the C bomb in there for good measure.

  • +2

    Two bob in the swear jar, and you are good to go.

  • +1

    nah. even if it was real ato you a ok.

  • +2

    Expect the bikies to come and pay a visit now…

  • +1


  • +3

    I don't think scammers will be making a complaint so dont worry about it… Do you think they will call the police saying what exactly.

    So, don't stress and keep ozbargaining!

  • +2

    Didnt know we can use vouchers to pay the ATO, do they accept expired Microsoft Points too?

  • +1

    Don't worry about swearing at them you won't get in trouble, just make sure you do it from a silent or throw away number and give it a day after they ring you (so they don't recognize your voice incase you get the same scammer at the call centre).
    Do you want to stop these calls? is a free service to find the VoIP provider (number has to be entered in this format +61 261900598) which in this and most other cases is Symbio Networks so why not give them a call on 1300 789 653 and also report via scamwatch.

  • +1

    Problem is they also know where you live. Watch your back.

  • +3

    You swore at some scammer????


    You and 21 million other Australians including me!

  • +2

    grounded for swearing

  • -2

    A little known fact is that these scammers have an Australian base as well (i.e. they have an office in Australia). That's how they decide which customers to call. They also have a special unit that tracks downs callers who use abusive language. You are in a lot of trouble. I would recommend moving as soon as possible (since they have your address) and I would not inform the post office to forward your mail because I've heard that they have also infiltrated Australia Post.

    You have done a very bad thing. You will be looking over your shoulder for years to come. I'd hate to be you mate.

  • Why has no one suggested reporting this to the ATO? The only way these guys can even start to get shut down is reporting them and it takes like 5 minutes.

    • The ATO know about these scams, as do the RSA (USA) and Canadian equivalent, just search them on YouTube. You shut down one call centre, another pops up. Many of these call centres operate in countries where the aust gov have no jurisdiction.

      • So your saying give up?

        • I'm saying telling them what they already know is not as helpful as you think it is. If you want to stop them, educate yourself and others around you.

          You can still report if you want, if it'll make you feel better. But unless you have useful info…

        • @Ughhh: I would think they consider each number reported as useful. If no one reports them then how do they find out each number to then shut them down?

        • @staceyasinme:

          The scammers dont use regular phone numbers. Close one and they'll open a new one.

      • +2


        What is that? Responsible service of alcohol ?

        • *IRS, was thinking of revenue service agency or something

  • They would get that type of treatment (and worse) almost every single call, I think they know to expect it and they would prefer to keep moving down the list then spend time harassing you for a minor insult.

    If it makes you feel any better I told a IT scammer that rang my work about 2-3 years ago to suck my 10 inch and do some very creative things with my love juice (Luckily no one was around haha), safe to say we never had a call back from them.

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