Google Home Stops Playing Music on Its Own Whim. Any Solutions?

I'm so far pretty satisfied with my day-old Google Home bought from this OzB deal; save for one persistent bug. The device stops playing music all of a sudden.
Playback of music never lasts long, sometimes cutting out in just a few songs. Unfortunately, a quick check online gave neither encouraging news nor offered a solution.

Need advice.

Have any GH users in OzB experienced this issue?
What troubleshooting have you tried?
Any solutions?

All comments appreciated.


  • What are you using to play music on? Like Spotify or?
    I think mine does it occasionally? But I assumed its due to some sort of lag (something using up the internet) and it times out and stops?

    I used to live with like 13 people (dorm style I guess?) and it used to do it often due to the shared internet. I don't think its happened much, if at all since I moved to my own place slash internet?

    • Thanks for the reply trustnoone

      I had been streaming free Spotify on the Home, which was the only thing I had been doing with it so far. Well, apart from asking for jokes, playing quiz games, asking random question etc. that is.

      Ans as said, the GH plays with no lags, no buffering at all… for about five songs of a Spotify playlist before falling silent.

      Another "OK Google" brings it back to life, and functions normally again before the issue repeats.

      No internet issues; averages a speed of 40 MbPS comfortably.

      I wonder what could be the issue.

      There are reports on the internet of this going back to mid-2016s, and also posts as recent as July 2017 saying Google is aware of this and is working on it.

      • Yeah I've noticed this as well with Spotify free. Plays for while then just stops.. I've only had the home for a couple of weeks.

        Unfortunately I haven't tried to lookup the issue and haven't thought much of it.

  • +1

    Start playing musical chairs?

  • I listen to spotify (free account) on my Home. Plays for hours without issue unless I'm downloading heavily on my slooooooow 3Mb DSL connection at the same time.

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