Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Battery Life

One of my friends recently purchased a Samsung Galaxy Note 8. According to him the battery life of the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 is not lasting the whole day and is poor compared to his iPhone 7.

Based on your real life experience how long does the Note 8 battery life last?
Is the battery life of the note 8 supposed to be shorter than the iPhone 7?

Any help is appreciated.

Please know that in my personal opinion my friend is suffering from buyers remorse, but it never hurts to be sure.


  • That seems odd given that battery is bigger in Note 8.

    I moved from iPhone 6 to Galaxy s7 edge about year and a half ago and battery life was so much better.

    I am not a tech geek but if that is the case it probably due to the screen size and pixel sizes

    Iphone 7 has 4.7 inch 326 ppi and Note 8 has 6.3 inch with 526 ppi, so bigger screen and better resolutions to push with the battery and also IOS has better battery managements maybe?

    • Think the op is talking about an iPhone 7 plus.

    • Although S7 edge battery capacity is 300maH more than the Note 8.

  • +2

    Could be a certain app that's killing the battery.

    • +1

      facebook, fb messenger and snapchat are known to kill battery quite fast

      • This is one of the possible theories that I've considered. As such, I've planned to run a battery analysis next time I see him.

        • Even with an unoptimised build (Kernel/ROM) and with the battery thirsty background Apps (Facebook etc etc)…
          …despite all that, he should be getting 1.5 days average use.

          Some people squeeze out 2 full days, when using it lightly.
          To have ~1 day use, he would need to be a heavy user (constant LTE browsing, Graphical games, Emulators etc etc).

          I do NOT think it is the software or the Apps.
          His phone is defective. There's a dud battery inside, and he needs to exchange it for a brand new unit.
          Because the iPhone's (SE/7) are known to be weak on battery life, much much weaker than an S8 or Note8.

          However, if he is actually coming from an iPhone 7 PLUS, then it is a different story.
          Because those devices are known to get good battery life, about equal to the Note8.
          So again, the culprit is probably a bad QC phone.
          Don't get them to refurbish it. Get them to take it back, and send out a Brand New unit.
          If they refurbish it, they won't put the best quality component(s) in there AND the waterproofing will be void by Samsung.
          Even if they assure you, I wouldn't accept it. This is a very expensive purchase afterall.

  • +1

    Mines on 43% after 10hrs with about 4.5hrs of screen on time, a lot better than my s7 edge.

  • Mines on 46% after 14hrs with 2hrs 47mins screen time and I believe this is very good.

    • The friend is getting five hours of battery life from his device "apparently".

      • From experience, all of the social apps like Facebook, Tinder, Instragram saps the battery a lot due to their always on nature.
        Also you have to remember, this phone has larger screen so battery use from Screen would be larger.

        Download the 3C Battery Monitor and GSAM Battery Monitor. One tracks the usage, One tracks the movement each 5 seconds in real time.

        • ^ yeah get GSAM battery monitor or accubattery, I'm currently using accubattery to monitor my app usage + screen on/off time.

          GSAM is good to check apps and wakelocks for apps.

  • +1

    I’ve not got all the performance settings on maximum but I get a full day from mine.

  • Sounds more like its a settings/app issue. A new phone, premium phone battery is not going to be shorter than a year old phone regardless of brand.

    He needs to look at the battery area, it will show what is draining his battery the mos.

    The fact that you're asking for him and he hasn't already done it, makes me believe he probably doesnt know how to check battery settings or possibly know to turn off blue tooth, wireless, location services etc

    Google is your friend. I dont think anyone here is going to write pages of instructions for you

    • Research is a problem for my friend as his native language is not English, and so I decided to ask for some simple answers.

      Besides, I've mentioned that I'll take a look at his phone next time I see him.

      That's why most of the questions focused on specs instead of answers. In case I'm wrong about the Samsung Note 8 having a good battery life.

  • I got the Note 8 and while I dont consider the battery life to be poor, it is not quite up to my expectations. I need to do a quick charge late afternoon to get some juice to watch videos on my way home from work. But it shouldnt be worse than an Iphone 7 which has a smaller battery.

    • It does have quick charge. It should be on by default. Charging time 1hr 25min 0 to full and I used USB C interface

      • I didnt say it doenst have quick charge.

        • -1

          Sorry I misunderstand you but when you said

          "I need to do a quick charge late afternoon to get some…"

          I took that to mean you didn't know there is QC.

          What I think you are trying to say is it doesn't quick charge fast enough (ie: not QC3.0 or something).

          Am I right?

        • @burningrage:

          No i meant late afternoon I need to top up the battery to watch some videos on the way home.

        • @burningrage:

          Again, don't know why the neg. I have apologized for the misunderstanding.

          I was asking a genuine question.

          We probably need to talk about inappropriate use of neg votes……

          Pretty sure this topic has arisen before.

          Edit: and not long after writing this, I stumbled with this

        • @burningrage: I negged this one just because I can ;)

  • As per previous comments, the S8 battery is great. My partner has one and could easily get two days out of it. Don't think they've managed to drain it in a day even with mega heavy use. I cant give specifics but I believe it'd be around the same as mentioned above.

    • how much is 'mega heavy use' ive had days when ive had to charge my s8+ 3 times

      • That's stuffed. Mega heavy use would be a 4 hour train journey of non stop use (Facebook/occasional movies/internet/music) + general use for the rest of the day.

        If my partner watched movies all day I'd still say they'd only need one additional charge.

        On an average day of 1-1.5 hours of solid use during commuting plus use during lunchtime plus the occasional check during work plus after work at home on the couch/before bed they'd still have 40% battery left.

  • I dare say they are taking the conservative approach to the battery size after the issues with the note 7.

    I know that the s7 edge with the firmware it came out from was suppose to have steller battery life according to gsmarena battery tests.

    I have compared my purchases with their testing system and its pretty much on point for me.

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