No TRS refund after dropping off form in box?

Before going overseas on the 31st August I went to the TRS office at Brisbane airport which was closed. Instead there was a box where you could put in a form. I still haven't received my refund and it's nearly 2 months later. Unfortunately I don't have a copy of one receipt so i'm not sure what to do.

Anyone else dropped their form off in one of those boxes for TRS when it was closed? How long did it take to get your refund? I'm worried that it has been lost.


  • I still haven't received my refund and it's nearly 2 months later.

    Did you bring the item back into Australia after your trip overseas?

    • No actually I moved overseas. I called up TRS before I left and they said this was fine to still get the refund.

  • Can take up to 3 months. You would have a form that you got to keep, should have contact on there.

  • Takes ages sometimes, just be patient I remembering dropping a form off around Christmas took like 3months to process.

  • Ok thanks… and no contact or receipt number or anything on the carbon copy of the form we kept. Pretty stupid cause there is no way to trace it.

  • Wow… Their website is terrible.

    Maybe try calling the immigration dept and see whats what.

    My claims are always processed within a few weeks…

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