How to Increase Tolerance Level and Ignore Nuisances in Everyday Life?

G'day Ozbargainers!

It's been quite a while since I thought about pushing my tolerance level up to 75%.

Are you one of those who are

  1. Unable to concentrate on / frustrated when someone speaks loudly in the public places like Train, Hospital and etc?
  2. Irritated when some kid cries out loud?
  3. Light sleeper who wakes up by your own snoring sound or by little noise in house?
  4. Feel like boozing whenever you pissed off?
  5. Stop talking or avoid those who doesn't agree to your thought?

If so, feel free to shed some lights on how tackle it. I kinda believe there must be a fewer books around which can help me out. Also, share your experiences on how did you overcome this habit.



  • +11

    rub one out

  • +1

    Meditation. I have been practicing for almost 2 years and it really is life changing.

    A great book to get you started is "The Mind Illuminated"

    Good luck :)

    • +1

      But you know what, I have been trying to mediate at least 5 minuets a day but, I could never ever complete that 5 minuets :(

      • It is incredibly hard but keep at it! It gets easier :)

        If you cant manage 5 minutes then start with 2 or 3 minutes, work your way up. There is more to it than just sitting meditation, there are other methods. Get the book! :)

      • rub first then meditate

  • +1

    sleep with earphones in ears. Recommend shure SE215 with relax melodies app (free)
    also not shure if you can wake up to the sound of your snoring!!!!!

    • also not shure if you can

      I see what you did there.

  • +2

    Do Meditation daily. Eat a healthy diet. Re-evaluate you work-life balance and make sure you are devoting enough time towards things that you enjoy.

    • I lack of concentration for mediation and I have no clue how not to turn towards junky food!

      • 'Tis a lesson you should heed:
        Try, try, try again.
        If at first you don't succeed,
        Try, try, try again.

        — W. E. Hickson

  • Take some time each day to reflect on the things that annoyed you that day, and try and think about it from the perspective of the other people..

  • Sounds like you are magnesium deficient mate..

    Quote from
    Low magnesium levels are often diagnosed by symptoms alone, and the following symptoms can point to low magnesium levels:

    Inability to sleep or insomnia
    Sensitivity to noise
    Mental disturbances
    Anxiety, depression or restlessness
    Muscle soreness or spasms
    Infertility or PMS
    High levels of stress

  • All those things seem like consequences of low energy. When you're feeling good and energetic none of that stuff really bothers you, but when you're on the edge all that stuff seems dangerous, like it will push you over.

  • When you're feeling annoyed, ask yourself what it is you're really annoyed at.

    For eg:

    Is it really the baby screaming that's making you feel annoyed? Or is it because you didn't get enough sleep last night and you were already feeling irritated?

    Are you really just annoyed at the guy speaking out loudly in hospital or is it because you were already feeling anxious about visiting a mate in hospital?

    Try and look at the individual elements of this and don't lump all your problems together. People often blame everyone except for themselves.

  • +1

    Meditation the Buddhist way

  • Earplugs and headphones will help with some of those. I sleep with earplugs and an eye mask because I'm easily awoken, do recommend.

  • Like others have said your lack of tolerance is being caused by something however you will have to try different things to narrow down the problem - We cannot identify for you, it is probably just a case of obtaining feedback on various things and then trial and error from there.

    One piece of helpful feedback s carrying out prostrations. Google Muslim and Buddhist prostrations (effectively putting head on ground). Try and do this on natural earth for a few minutes at a time. There are spiritual and physical benefits as it is a form of meditation etc.

  • +1

    You don't have kids, do you OP?

    They'll make you learn patience and tolerance so fast you won't even have time to think about what is annoying you.

    • Yup, no kids yet!

  • You may have Sleep Apnoea.
    Would be consistent to the issues you are having.

  • -1

    Castration - Works for hyperactive cats and dogs

    Problem solved.

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