Recommend DVD/Blu-Ray Catalogue Software

Hi OzBargainer's,

I am trying to catalogue my DVD/BluRay collection (mainly Australian Region 4 / Region B) and have trialled (DVD Profiler - appears to not use a large database, Collectorz - although this is only 50/100 movie limit) a few programs without finding one that is really comprehensive. Ideally I would prefer for it to be free, but would be willing to pay a small one off fee if it is worth it. Has anyone found a program that does what I am after?



  • The media stubs feature in KODI would allow you to catalogue and sort of keep track of offline media files.

    There is also EMDB (Eric's Movie Database) which is a pretty old piece of software that's been around for a fairly long time. The user interface is not particularly modern or pretty.

  • My Movies Pro on Android, IoS and Windows
    I have been using it for years, its really good, u literally scan the barcode from the DVD/Bluray and it adds it to your collection.
    You can also track when you loan them to friends etc..

    I can not recommend it highly enough.

    You do need to buy it for each platform though (i only run it on iOS)
    it also gives u a web-link to your entire movie collection which i find handy.

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