[AMA] I am a Software Developer in Sydney, Ask Me (Almost) Anything

Hi guys

I'm a software developer in expensive Sydney, you can ask me almost anything :)


closed Comments

      • +1

        It seems like you can still major in computing and software systems.


        So, basically, Bachelor of Science (Computing and Software Systems). If that cannot be done anymore, pick an university that allows that then.

      • +1

        +1 UoM over Monash and RMIT.

        I would personally go for the MEng (Software) if you can. A lot of the companies specially say 'Preferred Masters'.

        UoM is actually widely recognised internally for Software Engineering. Know a couple of people from UoM working at MS (that too as a grad!).

  • Hi Kaitok,

    I've recently enrolled full time in a Cert IV in programming at tafe. Im also doing a web Development Course on Udemy. Do you think this would be enough to gain an entry level position? I really can't afford to do a 3 year degree at uni both in cost & time. I can do further study (another 6 months) if necessary.


    • Uhm, you're looking at a very competitive market with people with degree from Uni.

      At this stage I can't really tell if your certificate is enough to gain an entry level position. You need to finish at least 1 semester and see if you really like programming. If you do like it then continue to Diploma, then pathway course to a Degree, also learn some things on the side from Coursera or Udemy or Udacity.

      Don't try to push yourself into programming because people tell you the dev jobs earn good money. Junior devs earn as much as Junior in accounting and other professions.

  • How would you go about finding regular distance intervals along a cubic or higher spline?

    • Using vector calculus.

      • Which elliptic integral?

        • I only remember how to calculate an area of a curved surface. Suppose just work backwards to get the length of the line.

    • Dunno. I did 12 years of maths in another language than English. I may know the answer if you present the problem in an universal language.

      • How do you move along an order ^3 parametric curve at constant speed?

        • Nah… I'll buy you a coffee if you live in Sydney and stop asking these maths questions

        • OK Google…

        • @kaitok:
          No need :) The answer is really it breaks normal analytic maths, because of elliptic integrals and root limitations, so numeric methods might be used, but then everything is slow. Once that is dealt with, even using 64 bit doubles, the numeric error causes issues. You are better off with just algebraic substitution and iteration.

          If you try, you will learn a lot about numeric error. Do experiment with analytic cubic and quartic, and numeric root solvers. It is one area of maths that is not limitless. Computer numeric maths helps a lot, but has problems with irrational numbers.

          Fun for a one line problem. Maybe the best answer is 'numeric and naive'.

        • @kaitok:
          On a slightly related note, do worship the AGM numeric elliptic circumference length taken from legend Paul Bourke's site. It might look simple, but it's stunningly faster than naive methods.

          #define MIN(x,y) (x < y ? x : y)
          #define MAX(x,y) (x > y ? x : y)

          double t,tol,x,y,s,m;

          tol = pow(0.5,27),
          s = 0,
          m = 1;
          x = MAX(a,b);
          y = MIN(a,b);
          while (x - y > tol * y) {
          t = (x + y) / 2;
          y = sqrt(x * y);
          x = t;
          m *= 2;
          s += m * (x - y) * (x - y);
          len = M_PI * ((a + b) * (a + b) - s) / (x + y);

        • @Frugal Rock:

          Using doubles to do maths and ignore precision loss. What a joke and you talk about maths and computing.

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          What's your rewrite?

        • @Frugal Rock:

          Still waiting for that job adverts for all those QC jobs. I guess you cant find them given qubits are both advertised and not advertised.

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          Are there popping sounds when you try pluralising? Your dole diary is your own issue.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          Cant answer a question with a question, or dont you remember kindie ?

    • It doesnt matter, programming is never about math.

      • The smarter quarter is. It's by invitation only.

        • THe vast majority of programming has no maths.

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          What do you see as the major non-maths areas of quantum computing? I think you are demonstrating superposition yourself.

        • @ninetyNineCents:


          You don't see addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, assignment, logical condition (and or xor) as Maths?

        • @ninetyNineCents:

          Have you done functional programming? It's Maths…

        • @ninetyNineCents: 0100110101100001011101000110100001110011 is Maths

        • @kaitok:

          A for loop with a counter isnt maths, or adding a few numbers isnt so basic i dont think you need to pretend its maths.

        • @kaitok:

          Of course it is, but is it really necessary to try and attach as many names for what you do ?

          Are you going to pretend you also do microwave research and communications because you use a Microwave ?

        • @kaitok:

          WIth this kind of thinking a anyone who writes a one line batch or script once a year if that is also a software engineer.

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          Given your QC understanding seems to be limited, what math proportion score would you give the following:

          • the FFT you used extensively just to HTTP the page.
          • the antialised fonts used to render the text you are reading.
          • GPS signals and trilateration.
          • WiFi signal.
          • the non-linear colour calibration of your monitor/screen.
          • multitouch capacitive touchscreen positioning.
          • CAD used to design and manufacture your tablet or monitor.

          More generally, what is a FLOP and where does it fit into your mathless world?

        • @Frugal Rock:

          Given your QC understanding seems to be limited, what math proportion score would you give the following:

          Wow, you must be smart , rather than focus on the discussion you throw an insult.

          the FFT you used extensively just to HTTP the page.

          So if my dog looks at my screen is he a programmer or mathematician ?

          the antialised fonts used to render the text you are reading.

          You obviously dont understand the difference between being a consumer and the actual engineer who did all the maths inside said system.

          Thats the point of abstraction, it just works, you dont have to understand the maths.

          More generally, what is a FLOP and where does it fit into your mathless world?

          Here we go again, i never said that at all, i challenge you to quote where i said that.

          I simply said that most programming involves no maths and thats true. Its a joke to pretend playing with numbers in such basic form is maths.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          Not going to answer the other thread we were sharing a few days back ?

          Or is it too hard ?

        • +1

          "programming is never about math."

          You just say the most ridiculous and feckless rot and then think having the last word wins, no matter how hard you crashed and burned and exemplified Dunning-Kruger. If you understand quantum computing, do tell me about how programming one doesn't involve maths. It's not an insult, You have no idea. Elsewhere you overshared way too much, that you know the public toilet habits of minors. Pat yourself on the back for your bizarro and creepy area of expertise. You are truly bereft of logic.

          "You obviously dont understand the difference between being a consumer and the actual engineer who did all the maths inside said system."

          Who does the programming in that relationship? Why did graphics cards introduce hardware T&L if maths was irrelevant? Do you even understand any part of the SSE instruction sets? You are just telling the world you are neither a computer scientist nor engineer. You wouldn't know maths if it was sitting on a screen in front of you.

          I do like your username. A cent short of a dollar. At least you understand subtraction.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          If you understand quantum computing, do tell me about how programming one doesn't involve maths.

          How many developers in Australia have access to a quantum computer for starters ?

          I dont mean any of those toys online but real access and spend considerable time doing stuff. The figure is a fraction of the entire developer community both enthusiast or professional (pay for hire).

          It doesnt matter.

          Its about as important as knowing about Itanium perhaps less as there are probably more of them somewhere in Australia.

          Why did graphics cards introduce hardware T&L if maths was irrelevant?

          And 99% of most developers never write shaders etc.

          Do you even understand any part of the SSE instruction sets?

          And 99% of developers used managed runtimes and never touch assembly.

          Most of the worlds developers write web pages, the lang doesnt matter, and none of them ever touch SSE or any of the other TLA you like to name drop.

          You are just telling the world you are neither a computer scientist nor engineer

          You wouldn't know maths if it was sitting on a screen in front of you.

          Really what proof have you got for that ?

          Ive got plenty of proof for every one of my statements in this comment.

          So how many people do quantum computing in Australia as compared to all developers in the country ? Why would a guy doing PHP writing boring CRUD need to know about quantum computing or SSE or SSE2 etc etc ?

          Why ?

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          "How many developers in Australia have access to a quantum computer for starters ?"

          Every single one, genius.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          What kind of idiot are you that you think its necessary to learn skills that less than a fraction of 1% has access to the equipment to try anything.

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          You still don't understand apostrophes. Are they too mathematic for you?

          Where is your 'plenty of proof' that 99% of developers "used", past tense, managed runtimes and never touch assembly.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          Where is your 'plenty of proof' about 99% of programmers using managed runtimes?

          Go look at the adverts on any local job site, most are for java, dotnet, android. The value whatever it may be is certainly far closer to 100% than your bullshit pretending everybody is somehow mixed up with quantum computing.

          Please show me where 50% of developers do quantum computing….

        • @Frugal Rock:

          Show me three jobs for quantum computing in Australia advertised this week.

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          You've gone from having plenty of proof to admitting your numbers are made up recollections from your Centrelink board.

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          "Please show me where 50% of developers do quantum computing…."

          Would that be to support your made up statistics? You made it up. Own it.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          Would that be to support your made up statistics?

          Yeh im making up stats that practically everybody uses java or dotnet. Obviously your idea that everybvody does or should know quantum computing is more accurate.

          In fact your bullshit is so accurate you cant present a single QC job link in Australia today.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          Please show me where 50% of developers do quantum computing…."

          Would that be to support your made up statistics? You made it up. Own it.

          Given there are ZERO jobs today in Au, for QC why should any significant minority learn about it today ?

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          I don't need to talk about your unemployment situation. Quantum Computing involves intensive maths. You are factually disproven.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          Quantum Computing involves intensive maths. You are factually disproven.

          Of course it does, but i was talking about the typical developer not the three people in Australia who actually have access to a quantum computer.

        • @ninetyNineCents:

          I said the typical developer does not do maths , and a qc developer is not a typical role.

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          In your nutty reality, how are videogames programmed if they don't involve maths? How about the rendered graphics industry. How do ray tracers and radiosity renderers work if they don't involve maths? How do PID controllers work without maths? Kalman filters minus maths. Why do CPUs even have an ALU, 'A' standing for arithmetic?

          Your profound words:
          "I said the typical developer does not do maths , and a qc developer is not a typical role."
          "It doesnt matter, programming is never about math."

          Did you manage to phone a friend? Where did your 'typical' revision fall from?

        • @Frugal Rock:

          In your nutty reality, how are videogames programmed if they don't involve maths?

          They are minority.

          Do you really believe those lotto ads where they show everybody winning sorry doing quantum computing…

          How about the rendered graphics industry.

          Again a very small minority. How many Animal Logics do you think there are in Australia ?

          How do ray tracers and radiosity renderers work if they don't involve maths?

          There are very few people writing ray tracers ALL over the world.

          How do PID controllers work without maths? Kalman filters minus maths.

          (profanity) you really are stupid, i said FEW PEOPLE IN AUSTRALIA DO DEVELOPMENT WHICH INVOLVES MATHS.

          FEW, NOT ZERO, i said few if any.

          Here we go again stupid dick who cant grasp the concept that the typical software developer does not require maths to do their job.

          Why do CPUs even have an ALU, 'A' standing for arithmetic?

          How stupid are you ?

          YOu cant read i will repeat for the 10 th time FEW PEOPLE IN AU DO DEVELOPMENT THAT INVOLVES MATHS.

          IN return you respond with bullshit like quantum computing an extremely niche area that would at best employ 10 people in the entire country if that.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          FR: Did you manage to phone a friend? Where did your 'typical' revision fall from?

          99: Maybe you should call your friend and ask them where all the quantum computing jobs are…

          2 hours 17 min ago

          I said the typical developer does not do maths , and a qc developer is not a typical role.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          Frugal Rock 2 hours 53 min ago
          "How many developers in Australia have access to a quantum computer for starters ?"

          Every single one, genius.

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          Why did you quote just your own name. Did you trip over some numbers?

        • @Frugal Rock:

          Ever heard of cut and paste ?

        • @Frugal Rock:

          FR: I do like your username. A cent short of a dollar. At least you understand subtraction.

          99: Computers dont do subtraction they do addition after complementing the 2nd argument…

          Shouldnt you know that ?

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          You don't even understand two's complement.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          FR: You don't even understand two's complement.

          99: Why would i say "twos" there are many forms. FP doesnt involve two's complement, shouldnt you know that after your "floating point" example ?

          Amazing how in the applied area you are crap to match your reading skills.

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          You just said you perform currency calcs in floating point.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          Quote me, including the comment link.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          FR: You just said you perform currency calcs in floating point.

          99: I havent used the word "currency" once anywhere on this page. I also have never said i perform any calculations of any kind on this page.

          Feel free to quote exactly where i have said anything remotely like what you claim, i expect a quote of my words and the link to the comment.

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          Why would the number of cents in your username, one cent short of the full dollar, be floating point. I think you need every cent dearly and wouldn't want a rounding error. I'd have to call you two cents short. Maybe I'll just call you LuftBallons.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          FR: Why would the number of cents in your username, one cent short of the full dollar, be floating point.

          99: You didnt qualify what type of subtraction you would be performing and given Australian currency, and the default response from a typical Australian would say that it is a decimal operation.

          FR: I think you need every cent dearly and wouldn't want a rounding error. I'd have to call you two cents short.

          99: Again given we do rounding, your comment makes no sense. The same is true of subtracting 2c from $1.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          FR: Maybe I'll just call you LuftBallons.

          99c: Still waiting for that quote you claim i said..

          You keep claiming i say things and you can never manage to provide verbatim quotes…

          How can it be that hard if i really say what you claim ?

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          You certainly understand exponentiation of comments, LuftBallons.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          Must be hard talking with all that bullshit coming out of your mouth.

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          It's worth the vigil, knowing it's going into your ears and bouncing around, Nena.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          What you really are an arsehole you never stop with your bullshit about quantum computing and other technology after someone simply asked is maths needed to do programming.

          Is that really a useful honest answer ?

          Guess not with your inferiority complex trying to use TLA and failing to use them correctly and making technical mistakes that someone with real working knowledge of said tech would never make.

        • @ninetyNineCents:

          99 LuftBallons: "(profanity) you really are stupid, i said FEW PEOPLE IN AUSTRALIA DO DEVELOPMENT WHICH INVOLVES MATHS.

          FEW, NOT ZERO, i said few if any."

          99 LuftBallons: "programming is never about math."

          Trust this guy's maths!

          Venn diagram: O O

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          Literacy might really give your insults some gravitas. Some oomph. Some chutzpah, razzle dazzle. You should really consider getting some.

          99 LuftBallons: "Computers dont do subtraction they do addition after complementing the 2nd argument…"

          99 LuftBallons: "technical mistakes that someone with real working knowledge of said tech would never make."

          You called 100-1 subtraction 'technology'. Ancient Egyptian? Are you a Luddite?

        • @Frugal Rock:

          FR: You called 100-1 subtraction 'technology'. Ancient Egyptian? Are you a Luddite?

          99: CPUs dont do subtraction they do addition after complementing the 2nd parameter. For being someone so picky on the finer details you dont seem to grasp this concept. Go study how Negation instructions on any CPU work on binary values.

          FR: 99 LuftBallons: "programming is never about math."

          FR: Trust this guy's maths!

          99: Its a bit like saying nobody wins at lotto of course a few do, but in the end its fair to say nobody does. The math involved is minor for the purposes of our friend it can be called zero.

          You dont understand that the simple answer was to say none, after all they dont know that there are 5 people in Australia doing QC etc. It was a simple question and demanded a simple answer, something arseholes like you dont grasp.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          FR: You called 100-1 subtraction 'technology'. Ancient Egyptian? Are you a Luddite?

          99: I suggest you go read what technology means, and yes subtraction is a technology, it may not be new but it is a technology. Then again being helpful or accurate has never been a trait of yours.


          the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.
          the application of this knowledge for practical ends.
          the terminology of an art, science, etc.; technical nomenclature.
          a scientific or industrial process, invention, method, or the like.
          the sum of the ways in which social groups provide themselves with the material objects of their civilization.

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          99 LuftBallons: "programming is never about math"

          FR: I do like your username. A cent short of a dollar. At least you understand subtraction.

          99: Computers dont do subtraction they do addition after complementing the 2nd argument…

          99 LuftBallons: "CPUs dont do subtraction they do addition after complementing the 2nd parameter."

          It never gets old.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          FR: I do like your username. A cent short of a dollar. At least you understand subtraction.

          99: For all your lame attempts at name dropping different tech, you didnt.

          FR: It never gets old.

          99: Well its true, problem is you use terms that you dont have a deep understanding, and you forget that this post was about helping someone appreciate the needs for skills in maths and sw development. My reply was true, it was short and generalised and true. You just cant grasp that your bullshit was not helpful.

          You are trying to be such a smart arse you lost sight of trying to help.

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          It isn't true at all and is just your anecdotal experience as a downstream junior grunt who failed to progress. Drones are packed full of maths. 3D printers are full of maths. Motor control is all about maths. Sensor filters are all about maths. CNC is all about maths. Computer graphics are all about maths.

          The fact that you are exceptionally poor at maths doesn't make it disappear. Why would anyone take advice from someone changing their story with the wind. If you don't like maths in programming, there are options for you, but it is career limiting, as shown by our dunce hatted remedial maths stalwart, inner dialogue screenplay writing friend, 99 LuftBallons.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          FR: It isn't true at all and is just your anecdotal experience as a downstream junior grunt who failed to progress.

          99: What isnt true ?

          FR: Drones are packed full of maths. 3D printers are full of maths. Motor control is all about maths. Sensor filters are all about maths. CNC is all about maths. Computer graphics are all about maths.

          99: Here we go again, of course they are, but our friend wanted to know if maths was necessary for them. Stupid nutter, most developers never do any maths, thats a fact.

          FR: The fact that you are exceptionally poor at maths doesn't make it disappear. 99: Where is your proof for this statement ? I have already shown your poor math skills with your sample using doubles which has considerable precision loss.

          FR: If you don't like maths in programming, there are options for you,

          99c: Where did i say i like or dislike maths ?

          Show a quote by me where i made a statement on this matter.


          FR: but it is career limiting, as shown by our remedial maths stalwart, dunce hatted, inner dialogue screenplay writing friend, 99 LuftBallons.

          99: Its amazing how much you have written about my maths skills and yet you cant provide a single bit of evidence.

          Show us proof for your statements, otherwise shutup and apologise.

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          OK, then calculate a SmoothStep polynomial with C25 continuity.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          First, you have claimed i have said many things, show me the EXACT quotations in full alongside your claims. You do know how to quote ?

          If you cant or wont provide then you are a liar, therefore provide an apology stating that you lied for each missing proof.

          Small steps…

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          The coefficients are integers, to make it extra easy for you. ;)

          I do "wont" but don't "cant", funnily enough. Is your apostrophe key on the blink again? So professional.

          Here is your quote:

          99 LeadBalloons: "It doesnt matter, programming is never about math."

          Tell that to the GNU Scientific Library and Apache Commons Math teams. They will be devastated. How do MRI scans work in your imaginary computer world without maths? Your slack-jawed gormlessness gets nothing but a Space Cadet e-badge from me. @ Prove to anyone that your "never" statement is true.

          99 LeadBalloons: "It doesnt matter, programming is never about math."

          and one more time:

          99 LeadBalloons: "It doesnt matter, programming is never about math."

        • @Frugal Rock:

          and one more time:

          99 LeadBalloons: "It doesnt matter, programming is never about math."

          Idiot, has no concept of context … and your crappy bit of C shows you cant program.

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          Read above it genius. It's from well respected Paul Bourke's website, and not mine. Tell the internet of people far smarter than you. Find an algorithm that converses more quickly, except you can't, because you think programs don't have maths.

          That feeling you have right now is called 'overreach'.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          Read above it genius. It's from well respected Paul Bourke's website, and not mine.

          The difference is his example is a toy, while you presented it as something well done and failed to mention its failings.

          I guess the fact you had to copy shows that you cant program. SHouldnt someone as brilliant as yourself be able to rattle off x86 + x87 machine code ?

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          Everything about your logic is flawed backflipping guesswork.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          FR: Read above it genius. It's from well respected Paul Bourke's website, and not mine.

          Its not guess work, you admitted you copied it.

          Are you feeling well, that you cant grasp the concept of a quote ?

          I guess you dont get quotes, after all you claim ive said many things and you cant provide them.

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          "I guess you dont get quotes, after all you claim ive said many things and you cant provide them."

          You certainly don't get single quote marks, Captain 'Guess Work' or is your key worn out? Here are some howling clanger quotes for you, worse than not knowing how to spell "guesswork", or your appalling grammar above. The ignorance is palpable.

          99 LeadBalloons: "It doesnt matter, programming is never about math."

          99 LeadBalloons: "I guess the fact you had to copy shows that you cant program. SHouldnt someone as brilliant as yourself be able to rattle off x86 + x87 machine code ?"

          99 LeadBalloons: "Its not guess work"

          99 LeadBalloons: "I guess you dont get quotes"

        • [@Frugal Rock] [@ninetyNineCents]

          Can u 2 chill?

          It is all about perspective. I can say something like accounting is never about maths, if simple ops like add mul sub div are considered not 'real' maths.

          Check this out https://goo.gl/images/KBVPWs

          And make peace.

        • @kaitok:
          If a $2000 computer loses $300 in a year, what is the daily compounding rate of depreciation, not using maths?

        • -1


          It is all about perspective. I can say something like accounting is never about maths, if simple ops like add mul sub div are considered not 'real' maths.

          You need to go back and read my original reply. Our friend asked if maths was necessary when doing computer programming. I said it was not, and thats basically true. I could have given a 1000 word essay with examples of who and where maths is used, but as a general rule for the vast majority of programmers, there is no maths.

          The problem is our friend FR doesnt know how to read or grasp the context of my reply.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          Two replies, thats the accountants job, they use a program to do that for them, secondly your ability to do a tax return is not of concern or necessary to get a job.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          FR: You certainly don't get single quote marks, Captain 'Guess Work' or is your key worn out? Here are some howling clanger quotes for you, worse than not knowing how to spell "guesswork", or your appalling grammar above. The ignorance is palpable.

          99: Theres nothing wrong with using double quotes. Feel free to quote an authority that says it must be single and not double.

          Then again we all know you still havent grasped the concept of citations and quotes. You make so many claims and you always fail to do what the big adults in universities and professional journals do and their use of quotations and citations.

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          You don't even know the difference between hardware T&L and programmable shaders. You should patent your dullard theory about Pi being rational.

          Here's another seminal quote, as you love them:

          99 IQPoints: "your crappy bit of C shows you cant program."

          Where exactly is that "bit of C" of mine?

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          The original question was about general intervals along a cubic spline. Where does it ask if maths was necessary. You can't even keep track of entirely different comments.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          FR: You don't even know the difference between hardware T&L and programmable shaders

          99c: This isnt some shithole like North Korea, provide proof or shutup.

          Sorry i forgot you dont grasp the concept of quotation.

          How about you do us all a favour and quote the original question from our friend and then re-read my original reply in that context. Then again your replies have all been worthless shite, I actually tried to help.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          The original question was about general intervals along a cubic spline. Where does it ask if maths was necessary. You can't even keep track of entirely different comments.

          No it wasnt.

          Like i said QUOTE, like the big boys and girls in serious publications do.

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          The question was about evenly spaced intervals along a curve. You didn't answer because you don't understand maths, and you didn't help and now you forget which questions you answered where in a big confused mess. The record shows it.

          FR: "How would you go about finding regular distance intervals along a cubic or higher spline?"

        • @Frugal Rock:

          The question was about evenly spaced intervals along a curve.

          WRONG. While you did start this thread, you were actually replying to someone else, otherwise your short reply has no context and makes no sense. Your reply was just one of many about maths and programming.

          You didn't answer because you don't understand maths, and you didn't help and now you forget which questions you answered where in a big confused mess. The record shows it

          Of course i dont understand maths, then how did i point out the precision loss in the c sample you shared above ?

          How did i manage that with ABSOLUTELY NO MATHS skills according to you ?

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          Watching you scramble while realising you are talking about an entirely different comment thread is a spectator sport.

          Precision loss compared to what? Show your rewrite.

          FR: "Once that is dealt with, even using 64 bit doubles, the numeric error causes issues. "

          Gee, I wonder if that was a hint. It's basically you having another "I like turtles" moment.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          FR: Watching you scramble while realising you are talking about an entirely different comment thread is a spectator sport.

          99: No you just are so simple you dont see the big picture, and its taken you several days to shutup and listen and realise what is actually happening.

          FR: Precision loss compared to what? Show your rewrite.

          99: wow you dont know how to do math without precision loss or significantly more digits ? For starters you use an abstraction and not a primitive like doubles.

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          Proof that you don't even understand Pi is irrational.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          FR: Proof that you don't even understand Pi is irrational.

          99: So what if its irrational, doubles typically only have 53 or so bits in their mantissa, if you want accuracy you will have to an abstraction so you get more bits, and thats the point, but you are too stupid to grasp this limitation and a solution to this problem.

        • @ninetyNineCents:
          Not understanding Pi is irrational, and not caring is as stupid as it gets.

          99: "So what if [Pi is] irrational"

        • @ninetyNineCents:

          I never claimed one could get a perfect answer, there are often losses when representing fractional values, it was simple to get more accuracy/precision. The sample had multiple operations and each means slowly errors creep into the lower bits of the computation.

          But you dont see the big picture yet again.

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