Photo Scanner Required - Suggestions Please

Kogan has a good deal for a photo scanner at present, but I would like something better. Kogan model (link below) does not scan photos bigger than 4"x6" and most of mine are the 7"x5" variety. Do have a lot, but not all, negatives too. Also Kogan digitises photos to only 5MP quality. I have several hundred (maybe more) old photos I would like digitised.…

I have a HP 5530 printer-scanner but assume not sure this would be suitable.

Any thoughts on this? Thank you.


  • +1

    Something like this will be much better than the Kogan one.…

    • Epson V39 looks like it would be far more suitable (and more compact) than the Kogan, and up to A4 size too. Description mentions OS required: up to Windows 8.1 and assume fine with Windows 10 also. Very tempting. Thank you.

  • +1

    Depending on how old the HP scanner is you can just scan in the pics using that. I’ve used an older mutli-function that was around $30 for a lot of documents and some pics and it was OK. I guess it depends on the quality you want from the photos. I think I used 300 DPI, which was ok. 600 was slightly better but took ages to scan, so ultimately I went for time over quality as it would have taken ages to scan in all the pics at 600.

    I hope that helps :) I’d be inclined to at least try your current scanner first.

  • +1

    If you have negatives I'd get them scanned at a photo shop, mainly because scanning is so time consuming! They also are less likely to be scratched.

    Then DIY the rest with your existing scanner.

    • Shall have to find out how much that will cost; maybe Officeworks. Also find those jolly negatives; I know I stored them safely somewhere else, rather than find everything lost. (Used to live in FNQ; cyclone and flood risk). Every year I do backups of all my digital photos for that season on laptop and 2 usb's, so I shouldn't ever lose them. Still a bit wary of "cloud" saving though. Nothing really seems fit for permanent storage though. Floppies, CDs, HDDs, USBs; what next after "cloud" saving? (I know I have missed something there!) ☺

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