Thoughts on The CoreBook on Indiegogo?

Been looking at tablets that are more powerful than an iPad but not too expensive. Came across the Chuiwi CoreBook which looks very nice! Specs are pretty good too and the price seems reasonable.…

Any thoughts or other recommendations? Only downside is the long wait until March 2018.


  • Wait….

  • +1

    $460usd for the specs is pretty good but another thing i backed from idiegogo in the past was pretty crappy compared to the hype so i'd wait - the preorder discount is ok but its only like $30

  • +1

    If their Hi8 Windows tablets are anything to go by, this thing will be plastic and fake brushed aluminium. Battery life will be about 20mins.

    I wouldn’t buy anything from a fund site. They usually don’t deliver, close the project, it runs way over delivery time and the first ones out are usually unrefined garbage. I would wait for it to come out and get reviewed. And then when the issues have been fixed and the quality improves, buy into it then…

  • I wonder if it's more trendy for a chinese company to show white people in their ads

  • +1

    I have backed three things so far, one of them was 4 months late, another over a year (maybe a year and a half) late, the third was already funded so was shipped right away. The first thing was so crappy I couldn't use it at all. Jagged cheaply 3D printed edges and it didn't even really work the way it was promised. The second I haven't got around to trying yet, looks OK but there are loads of other products that do the same thing better now. The third came quickly but was crap quality and broke after a few months. I considered backing Yooka Laylee when I first heard about it, but glad I didn't - it was waaaaaay late, it didn't even come out for Wii U as promised, and it got mixed reviews anyway. I don't think I'll back anything else ever again.

    Moral of the story, don't back stuff. You'll only be disappointed. If something is good it will be manufactured in large numbers and you can buy it when it is fully finished and won't get disappointed when there's something wrong with it or it is massively late. If there's danger of missing out that will only happen if it is a piece of crap and nobody would buy it, hence not getting manufactured in large numbers.

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