Looking for a High-Quality 2018 Diary/Planner

Looking for a high-quality 2018 diary/planner

Online preferred but happy to go in-store, whatever has a bigger range


  • +2

    What about a Moleskine? Big variety - depends on what size, layout and colour you prefer. Generally high quality, I get one each year. Can get it from pretty much any online bookstore (Booktopia, Book Depository, Wordery etc) or in the stores.

  • +1 to Moleskine. Been using them myself since 2009. Milligram will hopefully still have the one you want but unless you pay extra for shipping, probably won't arrive in time before the end of the year on Sunday.

    I use a Moleskine Large Weekly Notebook for my diary.

  • Moleskine. If you like a leather one then filofax your preferred size with your preferred refills. I like filofax refils as you can get whichever style suits you best.

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