WTB 2x Holden Spark in WA... anyone able to help with a deal? (Moved to Suzuki Swift thread instead... on good advice)

I'm looking to buy 2x Holden Spark vehicles in WA. Not sure on auto vs manual, but am looking for a bargain for 2017 plated stock or ex-demo. Let me know what is available.


  • Best you reach out to a few holden dealers. As its a multicar deal I’m sure they’d be interested in giving you a good deal

  • Paging @Spackbace….

    Does he/she/person work for Toyota or Holden now? I can never remember… :/

    • +1


  • +1

    7 year warranty ends in about 1hr 20mins.

    Does a proper car appeal to you at all ;)

    • Does a proper car appeal to you…

      Top kek! :D

      The Holden Spark is the new update to the Daewoo Matiz… And we all know how good the Matiz was…

      • +1

        But it's got a Holden badge, so that makes it good !!! (didn't you read that memo?)

        Back to 3 years warranty today. How does a car lose that much reliability in 10hours, or was it just marketing BS with them crossing all their fingers and toes? ssshhh….

        • +1

          As my father would say, “sticking a Holden badge on it is like rolling a turd in glitter… problem is, it’s still a turd, now it’s just a turd with glitter on it…”


        • +1


          that's even assuming a Holden badge is glitter

          i reckon it's more like rolling a turd in vomit, but maybe that's just me

  • I left Holden 7 months ago and Sparks were definitely not flying out the door.

    Honestly look at the new Swift. Between the 2 (at the same dealership), the Swift shat all over the Spark, both in features and reliability/resale

    • Which dealership are you at now? I remember someone (probably you) throwing all those Suzuki Swift deals around the place.

      • Work for Toyota now

        Yeah that would've been me :)

        • Mental note; Spack now works for Toyota dealer… as a salesperson

          I miss your old Swift deals and talk. It’s one of the reasons we now own a Swift. Such a great car. Own it any day over the Daewoo Spark…

        • @pegaxs:

          Wait, you bought a Swift because of me? :)

        • @Spackbace:

          Let’s just say, we were on the fence and I always liked the Suzuki. After seeing you talk about them one time, I went out of my way to look at one. Now anyone else I know who it’s looking for a small car, I suggest the Swift. They have bought them and everyone I know who owns one has nothing but good things to say about them…

          So, I guess, yeah, in a way, we bought one because of your recommendation.


          PS: I’m in NSW, so WA was a bit far for us to go to buy one personally from you… :P

        • @pegaxs:

          Lol you get the new shape 1 or bought before then?

        • +1


          Nah, it’s a 2014 model that only had 6,000 km on it when we got it. Wife saw the new 2017 models that look like 2 door coupe… now guess from all her chatter, this will be our next car as well… :D

        • @pegaxs:

          Lol enjoy :)

          They're definitely 1 of those cars that have a cult following by those that know

  • Moved this question to a new thread about suzuki swift. I didn't want to edit this and change the title, otherwise people would get confused by those earlier messages.

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