Should We Ban People Who Have a Cold/Flu in Quiet Room in Libraries?

So after taking a massive career change, I find myself currently in a very heavy study workload. This means self study around 5-6 hours a day on the weekend.

And since I can't study at home as my 3 YO daughter drives me nut. I would go to the quiet room in the nearby library.

And More often than not, there will be one person with a running nose snorting in the quiet room. It's super distracting and disgusting and there's nothing I can do about it(to get them removed).

Maybe people with a runny Bose should be banned In libraries ? :-D

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  • "Should We Ban People Who Have a Cold/Flu in Quiet Room in Libraries?"
    This is a paranoid behavor.

    Easy solution : wear an Active Noise Cancellation headphone. Turn it on = no noise. This works for students everywhere.
    Some students prefers to replace silent with comfort noise such as "the rain", "the forrest", "the ocean", etc.

    Expensive solution : build your own a man cave / woman cave. Make it sound proof.

    Long term solution : learn to study in a noisy environment. After some exposures, you brain will adjust and drown out the noise all by itself.

    • +1

      weird eh, i honestly didn't think I go to a dedicated quiet room to train my brain to deal with learning in a noisy environment.

      i'd learn at a coffee shop to deal with learning in a noisy environment.

      oh well

      • I have been a student so please let me share this with you.

        Whenever I study a subject that I like, I will immerse myself in it and breath and live that subject. The passion just take over and the external world does not really matter. I can study anywhere, at home, at work, at school, on public transport, while I walk, etc. I have bumped into people and into tree many times.

        Whenever I have to study a subject that I hate, I would get distracted so easily and would blame the world. I could have the best study room and still cannot study. Because deep down, I know I don't really want to study it.

        Tomleonhart, the core issue here is you inability to remain focus on your study, not about how much noise other people are making around you. To be honest I reckon even when you are inside the quiet room all by yourself, you will still find a reason to be distracted.

        • We're going off topic here.

          Next time you're on a quiet train carriage, please don't speak on the phone as not everyone has your awesome ability of brain noise cancellation. It's a quiet carriage for a reason. A little bit of courtesy goes a long way!

  • get a box of cheap foam ear plugs … problem solved, you can even study anywhere now!!!

    • much cheaper than wearing a headphone for sure.
      I like it.

  • +1

    In all seriousness, the only reason we just had the worst flu season in years is because people don't use common sense. If you have the flu, don't go to crowded areas and infect everyone else.

  • Search for silicon earplugs at aliexpress, they work really well.

  • I would do noise cancelling headphones/earphones. I find that even with no sound on, it cancels out a lot of ambient noise. If that is not enough, then download and play some nature or meditation sounds whilst using them. It is soothing and doesn't distract from concentration. I use this on airplanes as well to deal with noisy kids.

  • Get a good set of noise cancelling headphones? Or study with any old set of headphones and white noise of some sort

  • If you're a uni student, then I think a pair of ear plugs (the library desk usually provide them free of charge), in-ear earphones, or headphones (with or without music) should be enough to stifle the noise.

    Don't agree that sniffly people should be banned when earphones really should be a common tool in a uni student's kit. A snug fitting pair of in ears and music can allow you to study even in the loud area. Like another commenter said, people make tons of noise anyway eg. opening books, pencil cases, tapping on keyboards. If you want a silent room, consider booking a room in the library or finding an empty lecture/tutor room.

  • Wait, people still use the public library for studying?

  • To ban people from quiet space of library because of illness would be a slippery slope to begin down.
    Ie. Should we ban ppl with smokers cough ? At least they caused the illness to themselves whereas the people sick with cold/flu potentially did not cause their illness (and associated noise) themselves.
    Then, do you want to ban sum1 from the quiet area of library who has some other illness or disability, because their illness and/or disability annoys you or inconveniences you a little.
    I think people who talk in quiet area of library should be banned (some rude people at uni go into quiet area to chat and catch up with friends). But someone make a noise they cannot help, which is entirely caused by illness and/or disability, this is quite different.
    We cannot and should not ban people due to them being ill or disabled (unless it is absolutely neccessary) .
    That aside, if I had a noisy cough or sneezing constantly then I would endeavour to find another area besides quiet area, to study in. But there may be no other suitable space for them, and cannot blame them for being ill.
    Also, a runny nose and sniffling surely is not that high on DB scale. It is probably more of a pet peeve to you, rather than being genuinely loud.
    At the end of the day though, this is 'PUBLIC space' we are talking about. You have private space, and you can decide what goes on there (though I would still suggest you try not to punish others that are sick and/or disabled in private space also).

    • -1

      Also, a runny nose and sniffling surely is not that high on DB scale. It is probably more of a pet peeve to you, rather than being genuinely loud.

      It is not necessarily a DB issue. I think it is probably a combination of it being constant (like a dripping tap/Chinese water torture) and they fact it is disgusting.

  • +2

    OP can use earplug to block out the sounds in the library, this might help.

  • +1

    Why should the people in the library change their behaviour to suit you when you aren't interested in trying to change your 3 year olds behaviour?

    I just mean…. why not deal with setting some boundaries for your own child before seeking to impose your standards on others? (or is your child a delight in public that always behaves perfectly, but misbehaves at home?).

    • because wanting to play with the parent during the day isn't a 3 years old fault. I tell you what makes an full grown adult at fault though:

      • going to a designated quiet reading room and constantly making loud noise. It's a quiet room for a reason.
      • Just like going on a quiet train carriage and constantly making noise. It's a quiet carriage for a reason.
      • just like people going through an express "12 items or less lane" with more than 12 items. It's an express lane for a reason.
      • I agree with a lot of what you're saying… but if the behaviour of your children isn't their fault… isn't it still your responsibility to teach them how to behave? or do you not hold their hand when the cross the street? or explain why they should be careful when they climb a tree etc, etc… 3 years old is past "the terrible twos".

        It's not as though it's unreasonable to wonder why you are passively seeking reassurance that your opinion of other people's behaviour is wrong, while you seem to be equally passive about your own situation.

        I'll just add: I also find people being noisy in quiet areas annnoying- but the simplest way to deal with it is to actually deal with it. Not passively seek reassurance from a bunch of strangers on the internet.

        I just find it funny that you're comfortable behaving as though "it's all their fault" and "my child can't be at fault" without understanding that little point of: your children are your responsibility, if you "don't want to be the bad guy" and explain to them that daddy can't play with them during the day… who is "at fault"?

        • -1

          yawn. another holier than thou parent.

          Also off topic so won't discuss further.

        • +1


          I pity the people that are obliged to deal with you.

          You complain about sniffing noises on the internet but can't confront someone?

          You have seem unable to comprehend your own failings…. I can't wait to hear about you complain about not getting special consideration for your studies because you couldn't whinge pointlessly.

        • -1

          @ArjaytheGuy: sure.

        • +1


          Why are you replying here?

          You seem to have at least mastered the procrastination part of studying…

          But I am genuinely curious why it's so hard for you to study at home if someone else is looking after your daughter? it sounds like you're very adept at grabbing an excuse for things (household noises, noises in the library, the need to reply to people, etc etc). Just let it go. If you're studying to be an engineer or architect you will need thicker skin.

          It is entierly possible to retain your manners and confront your problems (not saying this as a "holier than thou parent" (but again… maybe consider that if several other people are questioning something it might be better to defend a position than dismiss any supposed opposition)).

          I am genuinely hoping that you deal with your situation, because I dislike noisy libraries too.

        • -1
  • I study in excess of 5 hours a day and couldn't agree with you more. In my experience, I've found you are better off studying at a university library (which are actually open to the public all year round excluding exam periods), where in the quiet areas you so even touch a plastic bottle and you'll have half the floor plotting to kill you.

    • The nearest library around me is about 10 kms away, I might give that a try today

      • That's not too bad thankfully, its too loud and distracting for me to study at home so when i didn't have a car i would still travel to the closest library which was about 15 kms away - definitely worth the trek! Can I get an update on your experience?

        • +1

          Thanks for your caring <3

          Well realistically after the first time, now i always carry with me a set of Bose A20 so as soon as i noticed the culprit I just put it on :D

  • If you have a highly contagious illness that spreads via the air you should be keeping yourself away from others as much as possible. Not only because of the noise (constant sneezing/sniffling/coughing in a silent area is very noisy) but primarily because of the risk you're putting others at. It's not disrespectful to want people in a quiet area to keep quiet but it's sure as hell disrespectful to purposefully put others at risk of an infection.

  • +1

    WhingeBargain strikes again!

  • Yeah I cannot stand people with Bose, burn them with fire

    Also you having a child is your fault, burn her and yourself with fire too

  • Macks Earplugs from Coles/Woolworths are a good investment if you want super quietness.…

  • How are people with flu going to Library. I have got a case of man flu now and doctor say it is just Viral and will get better in a couple of days but I am feeling like this is it and I should better start working on the will

    • I had that last month. Lasted for 1.5 months. It was terrible this time around. Hang in there.

      • it can last for 1.5 months?

        • +1

          Some viruses (and the flu) can.

          One of the biggest problems around (from a general practice point of view) is that so many people mistake a common cold with Influenza.

          The Flu will leave you bedridden, weak, aching muscles and more. the Common Cold isn't as severe (people can die from Inlfuenza, whereas lesser viruses are rarely fatal).

          Lokesh: bedrest, adequate hydration and some meds to alleviate symptoms are annoyingly probably the best an otherwise healthy person can get.

  • While at it, let's ban all the loud page-turners as well

    • page turner i can cope with since it's not as frequent as a sniff every 10 seconds :P

  • +2

    can the mods start a forum section and label it ozwhine or ozwhinge?

    • pretty much.

      "I can't confront someone who is causing me an inconvenience.. please help!" (poll results overwhelmingly indicate: get over it spineless)

      • +1

        or maybe even a

  • +1

    you don't belong to this lovely and friendly world, go back to the universe!

  • +3

    Let me get my whinge off my chest, perhaps it will be cathartic?


    Semi related, at my work, the floor is very open plan and generally pretty quiet, it is almost library like. There's only about 60 people. I can sometimes hear people from the other end of the floor, about 40? metres away if they are talking loudly.

    A new guy (nice guy) started and was placed next to me. He snorted regularly, I would say at least once a minute. He wasn't sick so maybe it was hayfever or a sort of tick? Anyway, it really annoyed me, expecially when I needed to concentrate. I had to put headphones on. That was my solution.

    After a month or two, the office lady said she needed to do a desk reshuffle and I was like, hell yeah! However, I was moved next to her. She is as bad, if not worse than the other guy. She is an older lady who is extremely negative/cynical (and I thought I was bad, but at least I keep it internally!). The list is endless, but some things she does that annoys me:

    • whines about almost every email she gets, reading them out aloud to no one/swearing at the sender through her monitor
    • complains when she has to do work she thinks is outside her role/always comments she doesn't get paid enough "for this", (eg if someone informs her the men's toilet is blocked…all she has to do is call facilities and let's them know)
    • swears regularly
    • has raised voiced conversations with the IT guy 20 metres away…get up and go to his desk?!
    • asks almost everyone who walks past her desk if they are okay (I feel like she just wants to be nosy???).
    • makes the same lame jokes every day, eg at around 10am asking no one "is it time to go home yet?" or "someone get me a gun so I can shoot <insert name of one of her two mortal work enemies>" or repeating "I love my job, I love my job" sarcastically when she is upset due to some minor thing
    • makes sure everyone around her knows she gets in early and leaves later than she is meant to (nobody cares)
    • takes personal calls at her desk (I now know her son is a dick and her daughter's partner is a dick, hooray)
    • ensures everyone knows she doesn't take a 1 hour lunch break (she eats at her desk, her choice)
    • Is extremely two faced, all nice if someone asks for something to their face, but as soon as they leave, mutters under her breath about them/the request they've made, usually along the lines of "cos I don't have anything better to do with my time"

    There is nothing I can really do apart from put my headphones on and pray that one day she will actually quit instead of just threatening to.

    I honestly don't know which is worse sometimes. :(


    • +1

      lol that's a long rant.

      • +1

        haha, thanks. I guess I'm also trying to say there are things out of your control that you have to do your best to ignore or workaround.

        IMO your suggestion to ban people sounds good in theory, but in practice would never work unfortunately.

        People are just shithouse and you have to deal with them!

        • the topic is just a theoretically for fun thread really. I have a set of Bose A20 which i put on wherever i started notice a sniffing culprit :P

          there are things out of your control that you have to do your best to ignore

          Oh yeah, Tell you a experience i have with this. I went to the Vietnam Air Force for 3 months this year. Starting from day 2, we got woken up at 4.45am, get ready in 2 minutes for a 3kms run whilst being screamed at by the drill sergeant, telling us how much of a POS we really are. I think my squad learnt quiet quickly to block out his screaming by day 5 lol.

  • -1

    If you have a very heavy workload don't waste your time posting stupid things like this on OzB

  • +1

    That's why Asians wear a mask to cover up their mouth, especially the ones coughing up badly and bad breath :P

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