Recommend a Webmail provider

Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft do quality free webmail solutions. But the email address you'll get is likely to be john.smith.35662711 or similar! Are there other free webmail providers out there who do a quality solution?


  • I hate yahoo but stuck with it already with them for years

    • +5

      Yahoo! is one of the worst email providers out there. They had 1 billion accounts hacked a few years ago.

      • but but have been using yahoo for ages all bills etc are with it already. not sure how to change all of that.
        if i can i want to move using gmail

        • +1

          It takes persistence but it can be done.

          Identify all the services that are sending notices to Yahoo by monitoring your mailbox. As you change each one with the service, note it down. The most important are your finance providers and utilities, but don't forget merchants. Peruse your mailbox to get you a list to start with.

          Notify all your friends by starting to send email from your new provider. If they reply to the old address, reply from the new address, reminding them of the change.

          Get at least two provider email addresses, one for "business" and one for personal email.

          Keep doing this for a few months, but give a year for old addresses to hunted down. Towards the end, create an autoresponder at Yahoo along the lines: "Hi, I am changing to a new provider. If you have my new address, please use that. Otherwise wait for me to see your email." Do not include your new address, otherwise spammers that slip through will see your new address.

        • @greenpossum: thanks. can I auto fwd from yahoo to gmail? Also how about all the old but important emails currently at yahoo can I move them easily to Gmail?

        • +1

          @dragonindespair: Yes you can. You can also get Google to fetch the existing (and incoming) email but you'll have to go into settings and enable Allow less secure applications, i.e. the Gmail fetcher. Yahoo will nag you about this but it's necessary.

        • @greenpossum: ok will look into this.

  • is alright. (e.g [email protected])

    Free version just has a few advertisements.

  • If your name is john.smith then yeah, it's going to be hard to get that email address. Do you have a common name? Why don't you just try registering an account at or and see what's available.

  • Buy a domain name if you want to be professional. Email hosting is pretty cheap and usually comes with a webmail interface. Domain name is $10-15 per year and email hosting about the same. You can try the hosting part for free for 2 months at Namecheap for example (and buy your domain name from them too):

  • Used @iCloud/mobileme/Mac for the last… WOW 14 years.

    Try each provider and see what you get.

    Make sure you try each combination.
    If your name was Jon Adam Smith

    Do Jon.a.smith

    or Jon.Adam.Smith

    or Jon.adam.S


    was lucky enough to get [email protected] back in the day (no my name isn't Jon smith )

  • +6
    1. Get a domain name. can be registered by any Australian citizens / residents ($22/2 years from VentraIP).
    2. Set up email forwarding. VentraIP does it for free, so that myname@my-cool-domain gets forwarded to [email protected]
    3. Set up "Send mail as" in your Gmail account so that your can send emails as myname@my-cool-domain from your Gmail's web/mobile interface
    • Thanks for this recommendation.

      Just went to VentraIP and lo and behold, ID.AU domain names $9.63 per year (2 years minimum).

      They must have seen this comment :-)

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