Best Brand for Cleaning Car Leather

I've never had a leather interior before until now and I'd like to try and look after it while it's in pretty good shape. I'm trying to decide what leather cleaner and conditioner to use. I'm leaning towards Bowden's Own, but also looking at Mothers, Meguiars and Autoglym. Any advice and suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks


  • i use swisspers face/make up removal wipes, mrs say they are good for her skin and i haven't had any negative effects on the leather.
    plus they cost $3.95 at big w…
    get the original ones not the scented ones as they will leave a mark on the leather.

    • Classic ozbargain

      False economy, damaging potentially thousands of dollars of leather seats to save a few bucks by buying a random product at BigW.

      Leather seats need oils put back in, not removed.

      OP - Lexol is considered one of the best at a reasonable price point - They often sell it as a pack of cleaner + conditioner.

  • Leatherique make good products. Works wonders for old cars seats.

  • adams polishes… but be prepared to pay =)
    i have quite a few of their products but u do notice the difference

  • +2

    Beware, expensive leather cleaners are often over-rated. Most leather just needs water first- once dampened ONLY then use a soap of some kind if you must, eg to remove oil or grime- and wash off before it soaks in. Water alone can work like magic on leather.

    Many leathers are coloured. They may use paint (light colours especially) or ink dyes. Some dyes can be affected by solvents in soap very easily. Patch testing is advised on any dyed/treated leather. If painted, it will have several layers, scrubbing can wear off the top coloured layer and make it look far worse than it did when you began.

    Using a rejuvinator/conditioner on leather is often pointless if it is painted, or will only work from the back, so in a jacket that is lined this may not be practically done. Leather car seats may require you to remove the base and back leathers for treating (once off you can apply rejunivator at will and leave it to soak in a garbage bag for a day or three, in the sun can help a lot too.

    Good conditioner is very soupy and softens your skin, it feels a bit like lanolin. Plenty of bad conditioner around; if yours is watery and has little affect on softening your skin, it may not be a good one.

    Oh yes, for rejuvination and colour repairs, leatherique works very well and is worth the money, no doubt.

  • The leather doctor in my area uses Glitz from Bunnings and it worked well for me.

  • +1

    I like these:…

    I usually wait and get them about 40% off on sale

    • You can also get them from woolies.

  • Bowden's Own is the best I have seen. It’s ausssie owned & made as well.

    • Yeah it was the explanation video of the product that got me interested, if it the claims are true.

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