How Often Do You Wash Your Bed Linen?

I feel like this is a topic that for many is an afterthought; we all know we should probably do it more often but are lazy.

For me, i aim for weekly but usually ends up fortnightly.

Pillow cases are the biggest case for regularly washing for me; you sink your face's oil and dead skin onto them for 8 hours a day.

You wouldn't reuse underpants for 30 days so why would you reuse a pillow case for that long.

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  • 2
    More than once a week
  • 25
  • 14
  • 14
  • 2
    More than monthly
  • 12
    I can't remember the last time i washed them, I am ashamed.


  • +1

    I wash them every time I take them off the bed…

    but I think you are trying to ask how often do you 'change' your bed linen?

    the difference between my underpants and my pillow is that I don't stick my naked crotch on my pillow.

    I change my wife changes them weekly

    • +1

      your undies ???

      • what undies?

        • you know that line……………….WAY OVER IT !!!


        • @oscargamer:

          don't ask a question if you aren't prepared for the answer, you drew the line not me, my line is still very far ahead. :P

        • +1


          fair comment……..

  • +3

    Do we need a "How often do you…" forum category?…

  • +5

    Why the f do you want to know this? Bored or is there a genuine reason. Just like to know?

    BTW how often do people

    have sex with their dog,
    Wash their hands
    watch TV

    the list never ends

    • +7

      at least 10
      will let you know when I get one
      when going to bathroom + before eating + when hands get dirty (approx 15 times a day)

      keep them coming, you're welcome

      • -1

        The average person washes their hands 7 times a day. 15 is borderline OCD.

        • I drink a lot of water and goes to the bathroom many times per day

    • in that order

  • pillows in the sun on a hot day.

  • +6

    You wouldn't reuse underpants for 30 days so why would you reuse a pillow case for that long

    You can't compare underpants to pillow cases unless you have shit and urine coming out of your head.

  • +1

    To be honest, ptenkae, that's none of your business.

    • +1

      Don’t forget your socks

  • Anyone not washing their sheets at least weekly are dirty dogs.…

  • You have to wash them?

    I thought they just change colour every now and then.

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