Comfy Sneakers <$200

I looked for a bit around and the Adidas EQT 93/17 looks good but idk best price, is Adi Outlet best?


  • +1

    Are you after comfort or style?

    • comfort > style

      but white preferred

      • Ultraboost are really comfortable, Nike Flyknit racer.. Off the top of my head

  • When you say "looks good" are you referring to appearance or apparent value?

    • comfiness according to reviews

      and its white so

      • White preferred is fair enough although it could be a pain keeping them clean. Not sure whereabouts you are intending to wear them but I'm assuming they'll actually see some dirty terrains otherwise sneakers aren't exactly the best pick.

        • +1

          I'm good with keeping them clean :)

        • @tf2manu994:
          Not your friends..or strangers on the street. For some reasons people LOVE stepping on white shoes.

        • @Banana: oof

  • Skechers slip on - really comfortable but the soles wear out pretty fast.

  • Dunlop volleys

    • +1

      Volleys. Comfy. ~$200.

      I think what makes volleys uncomfortable is the fact there is no real substance to the shoe - rolled my ankles quite a bit with volleys because they are so unstructured. This may be considered "comfy" in the same way a baggy singlet and boardies might be.

      • Is this ozbargain or nah?

        • Exactly - we actually want bargains?
          Dunlop Volleys are worse than a pair of $9 kmart shoes.

        • -1


          I disagree

        • @zeggie: You've already made that clear, is there nothing else to your comment?
          For the price paid, get actual supportive shoes.

        • -1


          So your crap ankles and dislike of boardies somehow invalidates my opinion?

          Please continue.

        • -1

          @zeggie: I never stated I disliked boardies. On the contrary, I really like them (got a pair on now, matter of fact) - they are comfy but also very casual. Same with Volleys, maybe good to go to the pool, beach etc with but not an actual all day shoe.
          Btw I don't have crap ankles - you obviously don't know what a roll is then.

          Not sure about you, but I use my feet every day and walk an average 5-8kms a day. Might as well get a decent pair of shoes that will hold up. I'm all about cheap shoes but look for those on sale that are actually good, don't go to my local kmart or big w for a pair.

          As you were saying?

        • @pennypincher98:

          Cool story bro.

          Dunlop volleys have a long history of comfort, grip and affordability. Beloved by tennis players for a long period of time. They also come in white, as the OP prefers.

          Please tell us all more about yourself.

        • -1

          @zeggie: Oh, that's real mature with the neg.

          Dunlop volleys have a long history of comfort, grip and affordability.

          Tennis players are basically standing still lol, only covering a small amount of space at a time. Besides these are sand shoes not sneakers. Know the difference.

          But please go on with your completely unrelated information. How much are they paying you to sponsor this?

        • -1


          Comfort, grip and affordability are completely reasonable topics of discussion when it comes to shoes. Even the topic has the word Comfy in it.

          You finish with a strawman argument. Very unbecoming.

        • @zeggie: Let's start
          a) You haven't told me why I should invest in sandshoes rather than sneakers.
          b) Just because the topic has the word comfy in it, doesn't mean you need to keep defending shoes that are for a completely different purpose and nevertheless are not comfy.
          c) You finish without even yet saying anything about volleys, just about my own comment.

          I could keep going, but I think you might finally get the point.
          OP wants comfy sneakers, not floppy sandshoes. If this is out of your price point, I suggest you step down.

        • @pennypincher98:

          a) comfort, grip and affordability
          b) they are comfy and for the same purpose.
          c) your last comments finish with, in ascending order, the following:
          1) personal attack;
          2) personal attack / strawman argument; and
          3) personal comment gloating your walking achievements and not about a product.
          I don't feel my 'finish' was out of context.

          Over to you.

        • @zeggie: Ok I get that they may be comfy to you because that's all you know. Sandshoes and sneakers are not for the same purpose. That's like saying a teacup and a coffee mug are the exact same. Sure, you can have it in either cup but it's not exactly optimal.

          Your comments have been filled with repetitive statements, personal attacks and no general purpose. At least my comments have actually made sense.

          Oh, btw OP agrees with my statement that Volleys and comfortable are laughable. If your range extends up to $200, why limit yourself with a $30 pair?
          They were a fad once, but now aren't being bought.

          Anyway, I hope one day you'll see sense and realise not to be so narrow-minded. The point of this forum topic is to discuss comfy sneakers <$200 not cheap shoes from kmart that someone finds comfortable. I've learned not to argue with a child (assumed, as only children get volleys - adults get proper shoes) so I'll have to leave it there. Have a lovely rest of the night and consider an upgrade, you'll thank me for it.

        • +2

          @pennypincher98: chews popcorn

        • @pennypincher98:

          Ok I get that they may be comfy to you because that's all you know.


          Sandshoes and sneakers are not for the same purpose. That's like saying a teacup and a coffee mug are the exact same. Sure, you can have it in either cup but it's not exactly optimal.

          Please explain your argument further. Provide a basis for you 'non-optimal' argument. Cite references.

          Your comments have been filled with repetitive statements, personal attacks and no general purpose. At least my comments have actually made sense.


          They were a fad once, but now aren't being bought.

          Cite relevant statistics to support your claim.

          Anyway, I hope one day you'll see sense and realise not to be so narrow-minded

          Condescending. Not agreeing with you is apparently being 'narrow-minded'

          The point of this forum topic is to discuss comfy sneakers <$200 not cheap shoes from kmart that someone finds comfortable.

          Cheap shoes <$200 can indeed be purchased from Kmart. I would suggest many would find them comfortable considering they have been sold in various forms for over half a century, favoured by athletes, the military, tradesmen. All of which spend a lot of time on their feet.

          I've learned not to argue with a child

          Condescending. I'm probably older than you. So far your arguments consist of baseless facts, strawman arguments and "playing the man not the game."

          Do you intend to suggest a recommendation at some point in time?

        • @zeggie: Exactly what I am talking about… I say a honest statement and all you state is "condescending" "disagree" "personal attack"
          Arguing with someone like this is like arguing with a child. All you are missing is the "but why?" statements.
          Seriously - "cite references"?? Wow haha you're whipped.

          I don't know why you are still going, the OP doesn't want volleys. It's like saying recommend me a gaming laptop <$1500 and saying that this $300 laptop you have is good. It might be good, but not what the OP is after.
          For $200 they'd want to have much more comfort than a pair of floppy sandshoes.

          My advice: wait for sales such as the PUMA60 and AMAZON10 sales - get great shoes for much lower than cost price. Even an extra 20% in the adi outlet is equivalent to a 50% saving.
          I'm not going to recommend a specific shoe as such as I believe it's highly subjective as to what a comfortable shoe is - however get something that will support your foot. That's not subjective.
          I also don't know your size but the 4th link seems to have a good review according to the page in the comments.

        • @pennypincher98:

          Thank you for finally providing a recommendation of some kind - even tho it's not a recommendation for a specific comfy shoe. Thank you for confirming shoes are highly subjective. Obviously you subjectively dislike my recommendation. I wish I could provide positive or negative feedback on your recommendation, alas you have made none.

          Calling someone narrow minded, a child, and "that's all you know" IS condescending. Explain how that is an honest statement? I may own 25 pairs of shoes, of various styles, and be older than you? If you wish to initiate an argument, at least have some substance to it.

          OP, good luck with the shoe hunt :)

        • @zeggie: well you don't own 25 pairs of shoes otherwise you wouldn't be promoting the volleys so much..
          And you are twisting my words lol, I said "if that's all you know" which is honest. How can you know how comfy a shoe is if you haven't tried/tested it? Peoples feet are different sizes. Also, if you have only tried one of something, it's the best you know. Not condescending, pure fact.

          Btw I'm not doing this to initiate an argument, I'm just doing this because it gives colour in a very grey life.

        • @pennypincher98:

          Would you like a picture of the shoe racks in my wardrobe?

        • @zeggie: how can I prove its yours though?

        • @pennypincher98:

          Good question.

          Another good question is why do you even presume I do not own more than 25 pairs of shoes? Why do you care? Why is it relevant?

        • @zeggie: owning 25+ pairs of shoes is ridiculous and unozbargainish. Tbh I don't really care, but it matters because if you have tried 1 pair you can't really compare them to anything else.

        • +1

          @zeggie: Thanks :)

  • Puma Mega Nrgy Knit - Same boost sole material used in the eqt 93/17 so it's just as nice
    It's also got this memory foam insole (not removable) that's really comfy

  • +1


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