Difference between Fisher & Paykel French Door Fridge Models

We are looking at buying french door fridge and we liked two of the captioned fridges. (RF610ADW5, RF610ADX5)

I cannot find significant difference except what F & P comparison tool provides, but their retail prices are more than $500 apart. Just wanted to know if anybody knows the material difference between the two which can justify the price difference.

Thanks for the help in advance.


  • +1

    I assume it's stainless steel vs non stainless steel finish if everything else is equal.

    • Thanks John!

  • +1

    Stainless steel is more expensive than the steel they would use to make a white fridge. It also requires more care/ labour hours to make sure it doesn’t get scratched/ damaged during production.
    Probably why it costs more.

    • Thanks Kami!

  • Unless I'm missing something and may be I have to go and visti the store - Surprisingly, Stainless steel one is $2289 https://www.harveynorman.com.au/fisher-paykel-614l-activesma…
    White one is $2999 https://www.harveynorman.com.au/fisher-and-paykel-614l-frenc…

  • Surprisingly, Harvey Norman store staff also didn't know the reason for price difference except white one is newer compared to steel model.

    • +1

      Probably not surprising haha

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