Cheap Laptop as HTPC under $300


I'm looking for a cheap laptop with HDMI out to use as a HTPC. Prefer it to not be atom, here's one that I was looking at coming close:…

Reason for the budget is that if it's anymore, then it probably makes more sense getting an xbox foxtel subscription for a year or 2.



  • Has to be a laptop, rather than a low-mid range bare bones desktop?

  • At Dick Smith
    Price Reflects 15% Discount Offer ends today!

  • Yes h4lcyon, I like the low power design and the fact everything is already integrated. At around 300 the barebone boxes are either atom or full desktop Core2's sucking in 80w or so.

    PSpman, yep, it's very attractively priced, just hoping someone knows of something under 300 bucks, or some clever way of stacking coupons or pricematching, this is ozbargain afterall :)

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