Xbox Play and Charge Packs. Will Any Do ?

For those in the know about Xbox stuff, I need to get a "play n charge" pack for my xbox controller.

I am not sure how they work but wondering will any no name brand cheapy of ebay do or is it best to get the offical Microsoft one ?



  • I like X box

  • The genuine MS ones seem to last much longer. I had an MS one for a few years before it started it started to degrade significantly (ie rather than getter 8 hour from a charge, you'd get maybe 1). The generic I replaced it with (from EB) went the same way in a manner of months…

    This prompted me to switch to rechargables. High capacity ones (e.g. 2100mAh) do last a lot longer on a charge. If you're not playing online and can afford to be disconnected for 10 seconds (a solo game will pause if the controller disconnects), it pays to have bought a pack of 4 batteries and just swap the spare two in, whacking the dead ones back on charge. If I'm online though, I'll use my (now depleted) play'n'charge kit as a wired connection.

    To get a genuine MS one cheaply, try one of those UK import sites e.g. or

    • When it started to lose capacity (as all rechargeable batteries do) why not just replace the cells inside the genuine one? They are just standard AA's in there

  • I tried the 'Game' brand battery pack and they are just pathetic. If i didn,t lose the receipt i would have taken them back the next day. The cord is like 60 cm long compared to to the generous MS cord and the battery doesn't hold charge at all so u are pretty much always tethered 60cm away. I'm embarrassed when friends come over and have to sit right next to the screen, what makes it worse the cable constantly falls out if the controller as it doesn't fit properly so the game is always pausing as the controller loses power and thus connection with the xbox.

    In conclusion GAME brand play n charge kits are terrible.

  • I have thrown out the cheap ones I bought after getting electric shocks from the battery pack when I pulled it out. I pulled it out cos it wasn't charging… So, yeah, I'd stick with the genuine ones. They are tonnes better…and safer

  • I got generic ones from dealextreme, same problem as all other cheapies. SHort charge cable, and after a while the charge lasts only 20 minutes and die.

    You're much better off buying some good brand rechargeable AAs and a charger than any specialised controller rechargeable packs, cheaper and more useful because you can charge batteries for any other appliances that need them.

    • thanks, I thought I read somewhere (maybe even in xbox manual) that your not supposed to use rechargeable AA batteries in the controllers or am i mistaken ?

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