Logitech MK250 - $20.99 Delivered on eBay

There's an eBay seller with zero feedback selling MK250s for $20.99 delivered. So far 89 have been sold.


Anyone bought one of these?

To me it has all the signs of an eBay scam - no feedback, price is too low to be true, and multiple auctions have been created for the same item, including promotional listings which cost extra.

Be careful if you have bought one. I'd be interested to hear if it arrives.


  • Standard eBay scam - literally hundreds of them now days.

    Seems that most of them aren't even collecting the money paid to Paypal… the payments remain "uncollected"

    What they are actually doing is farming email, ID and Real Name for later phishing scams. Buyers will almost certainly receive an email (pretending to be) from ebay telling them to log in and confirm some account detail or another. From there, they hijack the account and paypal account.

  • looks more like a bot types in the user id "sa8d7saf2" of the seller

  • very easy to check about their info
    click "buy it now" and confirm, etc. BUT DO NOT PAY
    then get their info(address, name, email, etc)

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