Accidentally Missed an Amazon US Delivery (SanDisk 200GB Micro Sd Card ~ $87 AUD) What Do

Basically I ordered a micro sd card from Amazon U.S. on April 22.

It got delivered or was tried to be delivered on May 1 (nobody home).

Wasn't able to pick it up and it got sent back to seller on May 15.

It is now currently at some carrier facility in Granville, NSW, Australia since May 19.

What happens now and is there anyway for me to retrieve it or will Amazon just refund me it minus the shipping costs, I honestly don't want it anymore and could instead do with the money (story of my life).

TL;DR Amazon U.S. package wasn't able to be delivered so is being returned to seller what happens now am I able to retrieve it?

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  • +7

    What did Amazon say when you asked them?

  • you get fully refunded on parcelpoint deliveries, inc shipping

    edit: nvm misread, but i'm still pretty sure you'll be refunded in full eventually

    • Awesome that is what I wanted to hear.

      • I'm pretty sure they'll refund and give you free McDonald's vouchers as compensation.

        Source: don't need

        • Sounds like a better deal to me honestly.

  • Pick it up from that Granville carrier, brah! Ofc call em first.

    • That's one of my ideas

  • +2

    ……Jesus, just contact them

    • Jesus an alien?

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