Bonds Dodgy Undie Promo

Has anyone got their free pair yet? I sent the form off ages ago and still haven't received a thing! It was a stupid promo anyway. Big W had them for $15 which was apparently a 'Special' price during the promo and then after it ended they dropped to $10 each..

But anyway, I want my undies damnit! Would have thought they would have gone out ages ago..

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  • +4

    I'm still boycotting bonds for laying off all those workers while the executives paid themselves a huge bonus. I wouldn't accept bonds products if I was given them for free, on principle.

  • I also had trouble with their cashback promo a few years ago; a very vaguely worded T+C meant that you couldn't get the money back without the receipt AND the tags. I argued that the receipt was proof of purchase, they disagreed.

  • still havent got them.. wtf is going on.

  • hey nubzy just wondering if you have received yours because I am also in the same boat. I sent my claim at the start of January and still haven't heard from them.

  • Hey mate no I have not! It is getting very frustrating and I dont think I will be buying anymore Bonds products in the future. It is rediculous to wait this long, they should put 2 pairs in as a good will gesture. It was bad enough paying $15 a pair during the promo then they drop down to $10 right after it ended :(

  • I've just received mine today. Great timing. Hopefully you will get yours soon.

  • Still have not received anything. I sent it off in November I think..

    has anyone got anyway I can contact them?

  • I contacted them and they say my claim was deemed invalid because I didnt include barcodes.. what the f is that. I swear I put them in anyway, as if a receipt isnt enough anyway!

    I will boycott bonds now anyway. their products are a rip off and quality gone downhill every since they moved to china.

  • The barcodes they are referring to is on the tag attached to the undies. You should really read the terms and conditions beforehand.

  • As I mentioned above, I got caught out by exactly the same thing in their $10 cashback promotion last year and I swear the T+C asked for proof of purchase NOT barcodes. And really, what difference does it make? They actually sent me a smug letter explaining that customers needed to send barcodes in as well as receipts and that I had an extra two weeks to supply the missing tags (note that this letter actually arrived the last day of the extension period of the promotion).

    My point being that they're basically useless, and by accident or design have lost me as a customer forever. In a way it's good to hear that other people have had a similar experience (i.e. it wasn't just me they were messing around). Awful company.

  • The thing is I could swear I put the barcodes in.. I cant remember because it was back in November but I thought I was pretty thorough in following the instructions. They were very smug in their reply to me as well. I wont be giving them my business anymore either, if that is how they treat their customers they can go jump.

    Last week I saw these undies again at Big W and they were $10, and they didn't even seem to have a tag.. they were attached to the plastic hangers.

  • +1

    When I spoke to Bonds about the barcodes last year, they explained they are the cardboard tags the store scans at the register and they hang off the product. Apparently the receipt doesn't always have the Bonds code on it, just the stores code, so they can't tell it's their product without the barcodes. They can't just take the barcodes, cause I could just pull them off a pair in the store and send those, so they need both the barcodes and the receipt. I guess if you follow the instructions you get the prize, you don't and you miss out. I got mine so I'm not complaining.

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