What Is The Preferred/Safest Way to Apply for New Credit Card Online or over The Phone?

Hi guys,

Just wondering, what would be our OzBargainers preferred way of applying for a new credit card, Online, over the phone or maybe even in person. Think this would be an interesting topic for a good discussion,

What would you do?
And why?


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  • 24
  • 0
    Over the Phone
  • 0
    In Person


  • +8

    Online as I hate talking on the phone

    • +2

      And then there's no way they should get your name and details wrong. eg Roger Smith ending up as Roder Smiph thanks to overseas call centres.

  • +4

    I don't get the point of this post…… what do you fear when applying for credit cards? Identity theft?

    • Not actually. It just about the curiosity, which way has more potential/chance of getting approved or flexibility to discuss the possibilities under the same circumstance. or is there any difference at all

      • +2

        No difference. They just enter the information you give them into their system, and tell you the result that get spat out; not like they personally decide if they should approve/reject you.

        Skip the middleman and apply online for less chance of errors.

  • If you are concerned about applying for a credit card then don't get one. Just get a debit card linked to a savings account and transfer money to that account as you need it.

    • +2

      Noooooooo…. if OP is worried about safety, using a credit card for basically ANYTHING is far safer than using a debit card.

      • +1

        Not at all. I strongly believe that using a credit card for everything and pay off the balance in full at end of the month is more secure way of dealing with payments hence you are not risking your own money in an event of fraud, banks have to take care of it and you don't have to wait for your money to come back. It just all about the outcome as I explained early, or does it makes any difference at all

        • and transfer money to that account as you need it

          Bit hard to steal money if there is nothing in the account. Prior to making a major purchase transfer what you need. Takes 10 seconds on your phone.

        • +3

          @TightBottom: It being stolen isn't the worry. Fraud is. If you're defrauded on a credit card? That's the bank's money. Defrauded with debit card from your account? That's your money.

  • +4

    I always apply in person but heavily disguised (i.e. not green) and wearing a tinfoil hat. :p

    • lol

  • This is 2018.
    Just about everything is done online.

  • +3

    The less I have to talk to people the happier I am.

    • -1

      Sad, but true.
      That's why we all rejoiced a little when self-serve machines came. Means one less set of judging eyes when we're taking advantage of multiple points/discount deals at the supermarket.

      • Speak for yourself, I use cash at the supermarket.

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