Woolworth Catalogue Specials

Hi, just check their site for new catalogue, and has a note below:
Looking for our catalogue specials? Our new catalogue will be available this Wednesday with new specials starting every Wednesday after that. This change will help improve the availability of products on special, especially on weekends, and allow us to better serve you on our busiest days. Remember, you don’t have to wait until Wednesday to enjoy a great range of in-store specials. Just head to your local Woolworths today.

Does that mean there's no specials until wed or is last weeks special extended to wed till new ones goes out,
anyone know?


  • +1


    I work at woolworths and it is a bit confusing.

    A new catalogue came out today, and it says on the front 'From Wednesday Feb 2nd' However all the specials are active as of today. I'm not sure why they made it so confusing, why not day the specials are from today until next week?

  • It means.. They've activated the new catalogue for the week, Monday 31st Jan and will end Tuesday 8th Feb BUT from next week it will start Wednesday 9th of Feb and shall end on a Tuesday 5th of Feb . I think it's a better coz I always seem to forget something from my shopping list.

  • -1

    Can someone post up the specials if they know them?

    Its pretty clear they are trying to take everyones money on Wednesday and leaving everyone too poor to shop at Coles on Thursday, very aggressive move.

    • i could tell you the truth, but i dont think you can handle it (cereasly)

      • I know the reason (lots of stock on wednesday)

        But I believe it will actually have an effect on Coles and Woolworths knows it.

        • Woolworth VS Coles. Now that is something I would like to read about. Both companies have shopping stores, liqueur stores,petrol stations, marketing advertisement and super cheap milk (1$/L). So what next? This feels like the reply of the Cold War but except of arms race, it is now price races.

      • +2

        Infernal max I think you mean cerealisly

  • +3

    At our store, the problem we had with Monday - Sunday specials, was that by the time the weekend came, we run low on some of items of specials, so we have to write a fair few rainchecks. I guess with this, the weekend isn't that far from the start of specials, and the last day of specials is a Tuesday, which is the quietest day shopping wise.

    It's also good for those that do their shopping on a Saturday/Sunday if they forget something that's on special, they can drop in on the Monday or Tuesday.

  • +1

    Ok.. This is from the Woolies Staff newsletter. Straight from the horse's mouth ;P


    The weekly specials that normally run from Monday
    to Sunday will now run from Wednesday to Tuesday
    The promotional cycle change kicks off on February 9. There
    will be a nine-day promotional period beforehand from
    January 31 to February 8 to ease us into the new cycle.
    You should have attended a team talk in January about how
    this will affect you and your department as the time and day
    you carry out some tasks may change. Your Store Manager
    and Department Manager have been given a checklist.
    The aim of the change is to provide our customers with the
    “Three Unbeatables – Fresh, Price and Service”. If a customer
    asks you why the catalogue now comes out on a Wednesday,
    you can tell them it is to:
    • Provide a fresher offer to our customers.
    • Improve the availability of stock,
    especially on weekends and on
    promotional lines.
    • Better serve our customers when
    they want to shop (our busiest
    shopping days are Saturdays
    and Sundays).
    If you are still unable to answer a
    customer’s query, please direct them
    to your supervisor.

    Hope that answers your question.

    • +1

      Thanks for posting, its a interesting read cant help but laugh at one aspect…

      Love to see the writers CV, probably one of the staffers who have just left the NSW State government payroll, so full of spin, even a lettuce would be bruised.

      Raises question can Woolies explain The "Freshfood" people can now give fresher stock on the weekend, same shoppers, same produce, just because the catalogs now on a different day. The food wasn't that fresh before? I wonder if the poor supervisor gets some more info to explain this..

      Maybe they should offer the position to JasRulz63 the first para says it all.

      Could it really be that there is, catalog delivery issues with a catalog out of cycle with most other catalogs, and maybe also Coles starting to eat into Woolies Sales

      Traditionally it was Wednesdays papers that always used to have the sales items and maybe Aussies haven't accepted the change that well

      • +1

        "fresher offer" means fresher prices - and hopefully more stock - for weekend shoppers than before

        my household receives most catalogues - including those of all major retailers - on sundays

        btw both dan murphy's and 1st choice specials start on thursdays

  • This is a good move for Woolies.
    Rather than have deliveries and the need to stock the shelves on the weekend for the new Monday specials, they can focus on having adequate stock on hand during the busy weekends.
    Then on quieter Mondays and Tuesdays, the deliveries can be made and stock can slowly be replenished and the new catalogue specials focussed on.

    I notice that woolworths tend to repeat more specials (over multiple weeks) rather than coles.
    Maybe that was due to people on the weekend complaining about no stock?
    The new catalogue might help alleviate this.

  • Our local Woolies manager said one of the real reasons for doing this was because their mongoloid contractor catalog people take days longer than necessary to actually deliver the sales catalogs, which is what's causing a big run on the supermarket each Saturday & causing them to run low/out of stock.

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