Weighted Blanket - Does It Really Work?

Just wondering if anyone has ever purchased one and if does if really help to reduce stress/anxiety as they claimed. What brand did your purchased and would you recommend it. Thanks


  • Try a sleeping bag

  • +1 for a sleeping bag. Otherwise I will hug a pillow and have another between the legs. All E also work really well.

  • I find sleeping bags stressful rather than comforting (if I have the choice). I have to be able to stick one foot outside the blanket to regulate my body temperature. And I hate the way the sleeping bag pulls with me.

    I imagine that the weighted blankets, if effective, would achieve their relaxing effects by the weight more so than the restriction. Much like when an animal or person lays their head on you.

  • +4

    When my cat sleeps on my back I sleep much better. Don't know if that helps

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