Employment Grade and Salary Increase

I would like to know what’s the norm in pay increase if your grade is increased? (Or there’s no such norm)
I’ve been working for more than 8 years with the same employer and there’s always been about 3% increase annually. I was under the impression that with grade increase (and obviously more responsibilities) it would be closer to 10% but 4% was all I got.


  • +2

    Depends on industry and employment contract structure

  • +1

    Check out the salary guides that get out out each year.


  • +2

    If you've been getting a 3% increase over the past 8 years then you were probably getting paid close to the starting salary of the grade above you.

  • Read your enterprise agreement

    • to be honest I was well behind the pack when I started 8 years ago - way below market rate at the time - so it has gradually started to pickup but still looks like I’m behind (by 6-7%)
      Back to the point I just needed to know if grade increase generally would also mean a jump in salary (as there’s definitely jump in responsibilities amount)

  • +2

    The common misconception in pay is what you think you are worth is always different to what your employer thinks you are worth.

    • Ain't that the truth.
      With that said its very difficult for someone to mature oneself to get to a point where you are actually worth more. Especially when most people are expected to work full-time/overtime whilst usually paying money to work another fulltime activity in earning those skills. This applies to most people across a wide range of industries, which is why things like Apprenticeships (trades) and on-the-job learning are actually great.

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