Wanted Advice on a NBN Modem That Can Block Certain Webpages (YouTube etc) My Current iiNet One Cant Do It

kids are doing my head in with watching rubbish all day, "other people playing fortnite on youtube"
need a modem that can block individual sites - apps, they also watch the youtube channels on Fetch Tv and Xbox if i turn off the computer :(
not too smart with computers so something nice and easy but not too easy the kids can change it.
the factory iinet one doesn't allow it.


  • +2

    Can't you login to your modem and specify which pages to block? You should be able to login to your home modem by typing the following into the website bar: or

    • nope, iinet locked cant put in pages to block

  • +1

    Change the c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file to include: www.youtube.com

    Don't break your computer though.

  • +1
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