Kogan TV - Which One Is The Better TV in Terms of Picture Quality

Hi Guys, I'd like your opinion on the two TVs and if you have any suggestions for an alternative.
Basically, I'm looking between:
https://www.kogan.com/au/buy/kogan-55-smart-hdr-4k-led-tv-se… - This one has an mu8010 panel.


https://www.kogan.com/au/buy/kogan-55-4k-led-tv-series-8-ku8… This has a Ku8000

Also, if this is a better panel, I'd consider the curved https://www.kogan.com/au/buy/kogan-55-curved-4k-led-tv-serie… with a mu9500.

Thank you for any info.


  • I'd get the smart one because its selling point is LG panel where as the other one does not advertise a panel which imo it feels like the panel isn't as good.

  • Likely the KU8000 has a 2017 Samsung MU8000 panel
    The Smart TV looks to have a 2018 LG panel

    Maybe see if you can find a comparison of the Samsung and LG TVs from which the panels originate

    Be aware though that the panel is only part of the equation - the processing, interface, up-scaling etc will affect the quality as well. My old kogan had terrible up-scaling, input lag (for gaming) and artefacts from fast moving sports; moving to an entry level Panasonic was a massive upgrade

    Also consider a TCL or Hisense N6/N7 (2017) or P6/P7 (2018) for something decent but still reasonably cheap

  • Im considering the curved (mu9500) or the smart tv (mu8010) - but I'm not sure what the software is like. If its clunky and crap, might be better off handling all the smart stuff outside of the TV.
    Anyone here have any recommendations?

  • I'd also like to know if it's a better TV or not.

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