Flights to Bali

Trying to work out the cheapest way to get to Bali, whether to fly from sydney where i live or go to melbourne etc if it makes it much cheaper? The deals including accomadation and flights seem expensive??? Want to go in probs july. Any advice would be helpful :))))


  • If you do go to Flight Centre, TELL them that you want them to check Garuda Orient for flights with ground credit packages, they'll tell you Garuda is not a "preferred carrier" & try to talk you out of it, but be firm. It doesn't mean they can't use them, it just means FC doesn't make as much off the deal as they would with other carriers! is a nice starting point! :)

    FWIW, a quick look on showed Garuda has the cheapest flights ATM anyway…and you'll get an extra $25 back if you use Paypal! Get the best price there, take it to FC & use their price guarantee to knock off another twenty bills too! ;)

  • Ok thanx so much i'll check that out now!!!


    It seems that the cheapest way is to go Sydney to Darwin on Jetstar, then Darwin to Bali on AirAsia

  • check

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