Anyone on the Telstra $199 Unlimited mobile plan? How are you finding it?

Im currently shopping for a new phone plan and I require a large data cap as I live rurally and my only internet options are satellite and mobile. I’m planning to cancel my satellite connection as it’s overpriced and rubbish. This Telstra deal seems perfect for me. Especially if I can use hotspot for the laptop/consoles, is that allowed? How is everyone else finding it? Do they cut you off if you use more than 200gig?

Also looking at Vodas 80/110gig cap throttled to 1.5Mbps after hitting the cap and the Optus plan with 200gig and uncapped streaming of Stan/Netflix

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  • I believe it is throttled.

    • Not throttled but they do deprioritise your traffic during peak periods such as trains stations.

  • +1

    I read someone said that in the T&c's tethering is not allowed. I hope someone finds a way around it

    • How do they tell?
      Large Data coming into phone could be streaming 4k movies on a phone app.

    • Tethering is allowed. I have a transcript of sales support chat saved in case it bites me in the ass. They say tethering is perfectly fine. Putting the sim in a modem however is not.

  • Yeah it's definitly in their T's & C's.

    Section 10.18.d -

    with any form of encryption that is intended to avoid or limit the detection of any
    form of data usage (such as video, music and connecting your smartphone to another
    device e.g. via tethering);

    • That doesn't make sense. Encryption does not "avoid or limit the detection of […] data usage". I say game on.

      (Does an average phone using tethering even encrypt the tether data? I don't think so, as it would require a special "tether decryption" server to be run by the phone manufacturer / OS vendor…)

    • +2

      So what, they ban VPNs?

    • This reminds me of when optus has their fair usage policy with cable internet, it is unenforceable.

  • Well I see whirlpool users blowing 600+gig a month via tether and not having issues so I’ve signed up. Will see what happens. Saved a text chat I had with an online rep saying tethering is fine, putting the sim in another device is not fine, vpns not fine

    • How is it going?
      Speeds? Teathering?
      Have you tried gaming?
      Im inclined to get one and put it in a modem for internet at home as im getting sick and tired of drop outs.

      • Will let you know this week ish when the new phone/sim arrive. I cancelled my order due to the new iPhones launching and have just reordered with an XS Max 512gig at no extra cost to me so I can resell it and halve my contract cost. I bought a prepaid Telstra mobile/sim to test what it would be like here and I was getting a constant ~140Mbps before I hit the data cap. I actually called Vodafone (I’ve been with them for 12 years) to tell them I’d cancel if they wouldn’t match Telstras unlimited plan and after multiple call backs they actually offered me the XS Max 512gig on the 100gig a month plan with 1.5Mbps shaping there after and 2 x 128gig iPads on the same plans for the same total price. I’m more interested in higher speed unlimited so I went with Telstra anyway

  • Random update. I’ve had the phone since the XS Max launched and have chewed through 2.9tb of data via 4g so far without issue. Where I live the slowest downloads I get are about 1.5meg a second at peak times when the town is full of tourists, it’s usually >3meg a second and much faster again at night. When using its wireless hotspot function I’ve never had a single dropout. Ping for online gaming is fairly rubbish, playing Forza online is do able and slower paced games are fine. It’s not good for shooters (As expected). Happily handles 4 streams of Netflix at the same time. I’ve been REALLY happy with it so far

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