Leather Jackets - Motorcycle Sydney

Hi Guys,

Currently looking for some sports leather gear/armour for motorbike riding. What are some good motorbike jackets/pants/boots on the market?

Im wlling to pay upto $600 for a leather jacket… Where can I get the best deal while not eliminating the quality factor…

If it's going to be saving my life, I want good quality gear.

Thanks guys


  • In Melbourne, Peter steven's clearance centre has some good deals.

    If you want protection, you will have to find jackets with hard shoulder, and elbow pads.
    If they are good quality, their position will not shift much. what is more important, is sizing. You have to get the RIGHT size so that the padding will not shift. It has to be a good fit.

    good luck

  • Thanks for the advice. I will definitely take this into account when seleting my jacket.

  • +1

    if you don't mind kevlar instead of leather

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