Myer launches its off-shore site --


  • +4

    The range is outstanding!

    Two computers!
    Four toys!
    Eight kitchen items!

    Amazon, watch out! LOL.

  • All i get is "oops something has gone wrong" ….like hell yeah. Even with those prices no is buying anything.

  • quite a cool website, there's nothing on it I want at the moment, but would definitely use it if it did.

  • +2

    Would you be using it?

    most likely not

    REASON: it's overpriced

  • +3

    Wow…myer has completely missed the point…

  • not even cheap. the true religion tshirts are on there for $65

  • Not one bargain in the 15 - 20 items listed. Hmm, not sure now, the Fry pan might be cheap

  • +1

    Very limited number of items in the shop, just like a chinese department store thirty years ago with limited supplies.

    Personally i believe the price charged was still inflated aussie price but 9.09% less than local shop price.

    Strength: possibly 9.09% discount
    Weakness: Long time delivery period, High delivery charge, Inflated price, Possibly warranty issues

    I think this site might be just a media announcement to against GST. It's not a strategic profit generator.

    • +1

      You've got me wondering, I'm pondering if this site is designed to fail

      • +2

        I have to agree. You'd think someone involved in it (provided that it's meant to be a serious competitive venture) would have at one stage thought "well our product offering is crap, so why are we bothering?".

        What do they have to gain if this fails in terms of the GST online "war"?

        Even Westfield have created quite a good website. It's no Amazon but there is a lot of variety there and is handy if you know what you are looking for.

        • Agreed. Charging local Aussie prices but drop-shipping out of China has fail written all over it!

          As business moves go it's sure riding that fine line between genius & lunacy…but unless there's some hidden coup de grace it's sure smelling like the latter! I think Myer might find out the hard way that consumers aren't that stupid!!! ;)

        • What do they have to gain if this fails in terms of the GST online “war”?

          They can say 'We tried' then shove the blame back onto the consumer then lobby AGAIN to introduce GST at sub $1000. Myer KNOWS it CANNOT compete with the Chinese. I don't think anyone can! I think it's just a ploy that when it blows up in their face they will just lay blame!

    • sounds like you visited A chinese department store thirty years ago. lol

  • They really need to work on the pricing. goes off to other online stores

  • +1

    " is a VALUE-focused online business that is quite different to the existing Myer department store offering" say Myer.

    So if My find is actually EXPENSIVE … what, if any value, do Myer stores offer?

    • There is value in a crackhead if you look hard enough…what's their point?

  • The prices are damn expensive! to me its not even worth a closer look. limited stock & expensive.. what are they thinking???!!

  • +1

    LOL if Harvey Norman does this as well

    • Price transparency is the last thing HN wants of course :)

  • i wouldn't piss on these clowns

    here's what i have a problem with… this store is just Myers trying to spite the Australian govt.

    i don't like the way this was put out as a threat even though I have no love for the ATO

    this store exists thru some pretty dubious business decisions

    they have no incentive to be cheap

    why would they since it would put their bricks and mortar stores in jeopardy

    i don't think Australian retailers really have the consumer OR their own staff in their best interests… by having an online store like his in China they obviously show they don't care about Australian staff

    this is a cheap stunt

    if i wanted to patronise a overseas store I would spend money on places manned by people who know how to put out a real bargain like the myriad of Chinese stores that are there to make money and not some kind of cheap political point

    • Sure, but if it's obvious to you then it will be obvious to the public, commentators and the govt too. If they fail to generate significant sales volume from myfind, then they are obviously incompetent and deserve to lose business to other businesses who operate under exactly the same GST threshold rule.

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