Arbitrage Travelling

Where in the world are excellent value for aussie dollar holders? I'm looking for expat destinations that will stretch out the AUD buying power.

Argentina seems like it could be good value. However i noticed apartment rentals are listed in USD. Also noticed that their Spanish Langauge courses are in USD too. Not sure whether other local goods and services have inflated their prices in-line with their inflation rate so even if they are going through inflation, it still wouldn't provide better buying power for AUD. Anyone have experience with this?

Any other countries?
Not necessarily looking for just a holiday destination, but a place i could stay for a few months. I know SE Asia is a typical destination for budget travellers, but i'm more interested in wealthy countries that were previously stable and have a messy economy giving good buying power for foreign dollars. I'd rule venezuela out for now since it's not really safe.


  • Turkey or Greece?

  • Yes Turkey sounds like one, Greece is in Euro so i can't see there being arbitrage opportunities when the AUD is weak against Euro?

  • It looks like you found sites geared toward US travellers when searching for accommodation and language courses in Argentina. I think I remember something about this myself. Like indonesia - just go there and find lots of cheaper alternatives away from the control freaks (big monopolistic business). That way you're immersing yourself in the local culture as opposed to being herded where they want you with all the other english speaking travellers and tourists.

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