Magic bullet (or rather, a cheapo copy)

I currently have a eurolab one but a lot of pieces have gone missing in my last couple of moves. I got the last one from dealsdirect but they don't seem to stock them anymore. Has anybody come across a reasonably priced one recently?


  • Looking at the originals, how come the Americans get them UNDER $70 each.

    … and we Aussies pay double.

    Ashlea, I've never heard of these before, thinking of getting one too, but I do have a new (Aldi!) blender/processor (having broken two expensive old ones this year making cakes!!) Think it would be useful?

  • There seem to be quite a few on auction on ebay … don't know how much they end up going for?

  • +1

    They are BRILLIANT. Honestly, I use it for everything.

  • +2

    try this still some left - called rocketblenders


    But places like Golo etc have had them for as low as $30

  • +1

    I got one from KMart or Target for $30.

    Try there Ashlea.

  • Homeart (formerly Copperart) used to have them too, around the $30-$40 mark IIRC. I got one from Woolies for $29 quite some time ago, dunno if they still have stock anywhere!

  • Thanks guys!

    The rocket blender in your link looks spot on Pete, looks sold out though, when I click on it I'm redirected to a search page.

    I'll have a look around the plazas tomorrow and if I can't find one, I'll go for the rocket through shoppingsquare.

    Thanks again! :)

  • homeart still has them for $30.

    • Perfect!! Will head to Northland tomorrow. Thanks!

    • Yup just went past homeart and it is out in display for $29.99 =)
      Here in Perth btw~

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