Best Way to Listen to Audio Books on PC and Android

I'm new to audio books and grabbed a few free ones from the recent Amazon deal. I thought I could just use VLC or something, but apparently not. What's the best way to listen to audio books on PC? I don't feel like installing itunes…

Also same for Android.



    • Thanks, I'll check it out.

    • Smart is good, but I find Listen to be smarter.

  • PotPlayer for PC with auto resume by following the below steps:

    Access the Preferences window by tapping F5 > Playback > Playlist.
    Check "Remember played position within a playlist.

  • Yeah I found this out as well. I just want some mp3 files.

  • Best Way to Listen to Audio Books on PC and Android

    I have spent a few hours searching but can't find any good audio books about pc and Android.

    • Then spend a few more.
      They do exist. šŸ˜‹

  • Audible is pretty good but works out better subscription based.

  • Audible.

  • +1

    Audible is a great choice though, I get mine from apknite. It works fine. For the Android, you can try some app from CHplay too, it's easy to install and useful.

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