Free JigoCity voucher give-away today (March 9th) for Sydney-siders

Today Buyii - Deal of the Day aggregator is having a FB comp to give around 10 vouchers for a meal at Jaipur Sweets in Sydney CBD. It's a JigoCity voucher that gets you a Masala Dosa, 2 side meals and a soft drink or Lassi (yums!).

It's real easy to enter. Join our Facebook page here , checkout the photo we uploaded and guess a number between 1 to 100 (wow how creative we are!). 5 numbers are chosen randomly, people who guess exactly win 2 vouchers, if the number is not chosen exactly then 2 people who have closest guesses to that number get a voucher each!

Got until 12pm Noon to enter!

EDIT: Comp closed! next one for Melbourne in a few days time

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