Best General Dental Insurance?


I'm after general dental insurance in the hopes of getting regular teeth cleaning twice a year.

I understand most dental policies provide upto 55% back, and some dentists do not charge for the extra gap left after insurance.

Hoping for recommendations for dental insurance policies and where some of these above dentists are?

Located in Sydney, Australia - city / east region.



I have found does not charge extra after gap.


  • +1

    Look at HCF

    Two free, no out of pocket, check ups clean etc per year at their approved dentists.

    Nice feeling when family of four goes to dentist.

    "that's $1200 dollars today Mr TB"

    Swipes hcf card

    "that's all covered Mr TB let's make another appointment for 6 months"

    "Hell yeah. Let's do that"

    • Thanks, I have noticed HCF is quite popular.

    • -1

      Yes I've been using iSelect and Compare The Market, but noticed there are other's that aren't on these sites. For example the AHM black 50 saver policy of $13.05 a month is the most attractive policy I've found.

      • -2

        Well look like you are on to it.
        There is no such a thing as best, just compare the policy which has benefits that suites you.
        It also depend on your regular dentist as well, some insurance companies has deals with them as well.

      • +3

        Don't use those comparison sites iSelect and Compare the Market as they only show funds which pay them commissions.

        Use the govt one which compares ALL the funds.

        • Appreciate that - I didn't realise there was a site that doesn't take commissions.

  • Depends on what you need. Major Dental is only on higher plans and varies in what you get back.

    • Hi. Just after general dental - meaning cleaning.

      • -1

        Put $50 into a piggie bank every month. You will have enough money for 6 cleans+checkup+xrays at the end of the year lol

        • +1

          I do not know what the down vote is for. I have a dental background and I can assure you, 2 x checkup + clean a year will be cheaper than the extras insurance premium is. (If you are only using the extras for dental) Not just that, but if you actively put away money as your own insurance, and look after your teeth, you will be more than covered for treatment. Remember, insurance companies are not running a charity. They are actively betting on you paying more premiums than they are paying out for treatment. Finally, you get to pick out your own dentist, rather than go to who the company tells you to go to. You get what you pay for. Shopping around for your health is not always a good idea

          • @Tech5: I actively put away money already as insurance, however am looking for the most cost effective way to have access to multiple dental cleanings a year.

            I actively take care of my teeth, had braces growing up, had wisdom teeth taken out at a young age and have not needed any major dental surgery. For these reasons I am after only basic dental cover. In the event I need major dental work I do have a 'piggie bank' for emergencies I can reach into.

            I understand the 'flaw' in these policies is that you have to go to their dentist or a no gap dentist, however even if I went to my regular dentist I would be paying 50% less. If I go twice a year at 50% off for the price of the policy this is still a better deal than not having insurance.

            Given I am only intending to go to a dentist for basic cleanings I am not fussed which dentist I go to. If it were for major dental work - that would be another story.

            • +1

              @jchowx: In that case, the $156 you found for twice a year may not be too bad. You probably will save maybe $50 a year off that compared to if you just paid for it. Depends on what city you are in

  • It is cheaper to just pay for two dental visits a year. The cost for dental cover for myself was way more than the cost of two visits, it's not worth it so I just pay per visit.

    • -1

      Thanks for your comment however I disagree. With AHM I have found I can pay $156 a year and get 2 free dental cleanings per year at their preferred dentist and upto $400 off at another dentist - which would take me to cover that. That's potentially 3-4 cleanings a year for the price of less than one ($156).

      Unless there are better options or I'm flawed somewhere in my thinking above?


      • Depends on the clean you get, not all are the same. If you get something like a Scale and Clean and Flouride treatment by the hygenist it can cost more but it more thorough.

        Sounds like a good deal if you don't really care who you see.

        • Yup I am just after a basic scale, clean and fluoride. I understand the more expensive dentists may be 'better' but in this instance I'm just after basic care. Thanks!

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