The Most Interesting Videos That You Have Ever Watched on YouTube

This must be the best generation to live in with fast broadband internet.

We can share, learn, listen, watch new things.

I love watching random youtube videos and sometimes you get to find some videos that are so amazing.

What are some of yours?

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  • +5
  • Spiderman-Into the spiderverse Soundtrack "Sunflower"

    This movie has to be watched in 3D

    • Unless you get motion sickness, in which case that'd be a bad bad idea…

  • +1

    It's hard to make a suggestion with the vast widespread variety Youtube has to offer.

    I suppose one family friendly channel (not video) I'd recommend is Primitive Technology.
    Essentially he makes survival materials using sticks and mud as the resources.

    • I like "a universe not made for us"

      Should be watched by all students in school.

      and "Man" sometimes I compared humanity to a plague to the world.

      Pollution, the killing of endangered animals/fish as a sport/trophy/old folk remedies/food, weapons of mass destruction, destroying and over extracting natural resources.

      We do more harm than good to the world we live in and the funny thing is that we do the most damage to the world in this current generation.

      • +1

        I don't think most people realise that the most conservative outlets, eg. Trump Whitehouse, are now saying 7 degrees of warming is locked in for 2100.

        Two degrees will cause widescale catastrophe according to climate scientists.

        Seven degrees is an end of the world scenario. Feedback loops start pushing humanity to extinction or the brink of survival. The super rich that are carrying out this madness for short term profit believe they'll wait out their days in hardened bunkers while everyone else (that's your grandchildren BTW) dies but as history has shown over and over eg Rome, Yugoslavia, when society collapses the guards turn on their masters and everyone dies.

        Except this time it won't be barbarians or your neighbour trying to kill you, it will be the fact that Earth is turning into Venus. Literally. As in the reason Venus is uninhabitable is because it experienced a feedback loop just like the one we've created.

  • +1
  • +1

    A TED talk on Why airlines sell too many tickets for a flight (warning: involves maths/probabilities/statistics)

  • I am mostly for cats and dogs. Occasionally crazy russian drivers.

    And food.

  • Death and the present moment by Sam Harris

  • The hot doctor who pops zits.

  • 1 hour loop of Baby Shark

    • i'd just gotten that (profanity) song out of my head. thanks

  • I've been down many interesting worm holes, hard to pick a best video

  • Adventure Time - Food Chain Bird Song 1 Hour Version

    just for background music at work.

  • The making and origins of OzBargain

    • It gets really dark @2.20

  • +1

    Most videos involving crazy russians. Like this one

    • Lmao….The Fifth Element would make a new genre of music.

      • Yep no one can recreate his music lol

  • This is not the best generation to live in :) 80s as a kid were kickass. The dates for Back to the future and Blade Runner have passed, and all we got was XiaoMi power banks and no flying cars. We don't have space shuttles and can't land on the moon anymore. There's no concorde. Everything's too safe, boring or politically correct and people just walk the streets heads bowed looking at their phones.

    An interesting video is how Big Bird almost got killed on one of the doomed space shuttles, because the second half of the space shuttle program was mostly an underfunded PR exercise.

  • +2

    The two slit light experiment. It's 10 minutes - but stick with it. It's an example of quantum mechanics that we can't explain.

    tl;dw - light seems to change its behaviour when it's being observed vs not being observed. what the…?

    Last line: "If you can explain this, do let me know as there is a nobel prize waiting for you."

  • +1
  • photoshop tutorials done by this guy

    not your average tutorial, love how the way he brings his problems into the clip

  • The most interesting videos I've ever seen are not on youtube.

  • +1

    frizbee game of HORSE comes to mind

    For random interesting science, a time lapse of bacteria evolving to become immune to antibiotics

  • Usually, I watch the Chinese movie from YouTube, there are supposed can buy the copy DVD frrom China, and suually such movie can watch too in YouTube due to exist someone would share it to YouTube even such account will get closed in weeks.

  • Will answer your question before I complain to myself about how terrible my internet is. Don't read below the big line if you don't want to see that.

    My answers more of a channel then just certain videos. Linus Tech Tips. I absolutely love this channel and the more informative videos (and the entertaining one's, but we're talking about interesting).

    Also, Bullet Barry. That's another pretty good channel with some really great videos.

    Am a fan of tech stuff. Also find politics…"interesting", though I've distanced myself from that. Just makes me irritated, and I don't care enough to actually be knowledgeable enough to have a proper debate beyond common sense without the internet helping.

    "This must be the best generation to live in with fast broadband internet."

    290 ping, 0.97 Mbs download, 0.22 Mbs upload.

    I wish I had decent internet where I lived…worse yet is that that's cellular, because I can't get any sort of wifi at my house.

    Thankfully YT isn't demanding…and by that I mean I watch videos at 480p.

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