Threatening Message from Unknown Caller ID

Hi people.

Just received multiple calls from a blocked number. One of them went to my voicemail and there was a message left in a whispering voice "Walking dead".

Just a bit concerned how serious this might be. Had an issue with a builder earlier where he ran off with my money. There is no one else I can think of who might be up to this kind of mischief.

Is there a way to find out who might have called? Would police be able to help at all?


    • +5

      Took me a while, but well done

    • I don't get it :(

      • Look at the username of the link

        • +3

          Oh haha. I was scanning through all his comments to see if he talked about threatening people on the phone lol

      • +9

        The OP's username is Homer Simpson, the protaganist from "The Simpsons.
        The user nocure linked to ("flanders") is named after Homer Simpson's neighbour "Ned Flanders" in the series.
        During the 10.5 seasons of "The Simpsons", Homer does a lot of things to piss off his neighbour, such as stealing his furniture, calling him stupid, etc.
        The OP is trying to think of somebody who might hold a grudge against him, and nocure posted a link to Flanders.

        • wow I'm slow today….

        • I get it now. Thank you…

  • -1

    What did the police say when you asked them?

    • Haven't asked them yet.

    • +5

      "the call came from inside"…

  • +1

    what's your mobile number?

    i'll look through my call list to make sure i didn't call you :-)

  • +2

    Why don't you answer and talk dirty to whoever it is?

    • I did answer the first few calls but there was no response from the other side.

      • +6

        Well talk dirty and tell them it's costing $10 per 30 seconds and see if they quickly hang up

  • +1

    You need to make a log of each time this 'unknown caller' calls. Make sure you have at fair number (one or two won't be sufficient)

    Then you need to call your phone provider, tell them you have been receiving threatening calls, give them the log and then ask them to monitor your incoming calls. They will do this for a couple of weeks.

    Continue to keep a log of any unwanted calls.

    If the person making these calls is an idiot, they would be using the same number every time and if this matches up with the log you've provided your phone company then they will be able provide this information to the police.

    If the unknown caller has half a brain then they would be using a public phone (at multiple locations) in which case it would take a lot of work to track this person down and unless these threats are serious, the cops won't do a thing.

    What sort of phone do you have? Hopefully it has an option to block any callers from private numbers. If this is the case, turn that feature on.

    • Thanks for the suggestions. I will maintain a log and get in touch with my phone provider.

      I have an iPhone. I couldn't find any option to block calls coming from private numbers.

      • +4

        Give back my damn tools!!! And everything else you borrowed , then maybe the calls will stop, okely dokely ;) .

        On a serious note, law enforcement can access records and see who called, not sure what the charge would potentially be though. They probably would not consider it serious enough at this time.
        Could always call and give report about it, let them know who you suspect (the builder) , if it happens again to you or others from the same guy, then they would have a stronger case and incentive to prosecute.

        Lifeline can track private numbers, telstra can track my number (even when on private, calling from optus phone) so I don't think it's hard at all, just the general public do not have permissions to access. My mate told lifeline he was contemplating suicide, they called him few months later to check on him, even though his home phone is on private.

        Could follow up with your phone network, especially since it is left on their voice mail system .

  • -1

    There's an app or something where the private number is unblocked then you'll know exactly who is calling you

    • There is an app app-arently where can make it look like your calling from a different number you choose to spoof as also. Not sure if it works. Caller could be using that app to spoof caller id as if he was someone else.

    • No, there isn't.[Unblocking private number app.] The blocking is done by the carrier, not your phone.

  • Get a call recorder app for your phone.

  • Probably a prank call….kids these days… <

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