Anyone Know When 9700k Is Actually Set to Release Here in Australia?

PC died and I'm upgrading, been out of pc for 2 weeks now, it's getting annoying with work stuff being done on a laptop.

I'm looking at getting I7 9700k paired with z390 board but the supposed 20th October date didn't seem to happen as it's still out of stock or pre order in all Aussie retailers.

I'll just go with 8700k if it's gonna be long, anyone know when it'll come out, did this happen with the 8700k release too? How long?



  • +1


    • Alot seems to suggest this but looking at benchmarks in games it gets beaten by even the 8700k in every game.

      • Intel is better for gaming overall, but what gpu and monitor do you have?

        • 1080ti with 1080p 144hz monitor

          • @TheMoDz: Yea, better to with 9700k if gaming is the primary use. Only benches slightly higher than the 8700k but has more cores(less threads) and clocks a bit higher and a year newer.

      • If you want the best for gaming, go for 9900k

  • Pre-order ETA seems to be 31/10/2018. Give it a week or so before you pull trigger. Call around on Monday to confirm.

  • Skycomp apparently has stock but they charge a tad more over the $659 RRP.…

  • The release happened, just that a ton of people pre-ordered and Intel is barely distributing stock, nowhere near enough for demand.

  • +1

    Just went in stock in Mightyape, grabbed a 9700k

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