Are My Kogan Mobile Days over?

Hi all,
There’s no doubt that Kogan have the best value deals for mobile phone plans if you are within range to their towers which for me in Canberra has been perfect.
The problem I’m now having though is I think my area is congested.
When I speedtest I’m getting Pings 400ms+ and uploads worthy of dialup.
Prior to the recent data increases I used to stick to 3G at home as 4G was slower in peak hours but now 3G is the same.

Is this a case of congestion or is it maybe something else?
My 365 day deal ends in April so if it’s like this then I’m definitely changing providers.
I’m in Yarralumla ACT.

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Kogan Mobile
Kogan Mobile


  • You have another 5 months before you make a move anyways, see if it gets better by then, and if not, your decision is pretty clear.

  • Yarralumla ACT. network is congested.

    yes, the entire company has gone bankrupt.

  • What are you talking about?

  • Have you called them to report it? Perhaps they can fix it.

  • +2

    1 - Have you contacted Kogan regarding this issue?
    2 - Is your mobile current model/software update and working well?
    3 - Do you have a friend/relative that is with another provider and you can stick their SIM card into your phone and see/test if there is a difference?


  • The bastards didn't email me, when my account was about to run out. I got 2 days notice.
    I'm tempted to abandon ship.

  • You're aware the Kogan runs on the Vodafone network, right? You've probably got congestion on your Vodafone tower. I'm experiencing the same thing in Sydney.

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