Tapping brakes on Tailgaters? Ethics?

Just wondering people's thoughts on tapping brakes on Tailgaters.

Had some young hoons come up speeding behind me. Started tailgating and waving their arms. I was in the FAR LEFT lane. Going slightly below speed limit due to heavy traffic (maintaining stopping distance / matching speed of traffic). There was a truck in the centre lane so they couldn't easily overtake.

When this occured I slowed down further.

They got more and more agressive and so I tapped the brakes. No collision - but they shit themselves and backed off.

They eventually passed - winding down their window and trying to have a go at me…. But when they saw me they decided that would be a bad idea.

I was driveing a large SUV and they were driving a small Japanese car - so I wasn't worried for my safety if they did impact me. I was more concerned that their appalling driving could cost lives…and as a motorcyclist on other days - that includes mine. Basically I hate pricks like this and wanted to teach them a lesson.

What are your thoughts on this?


      • That is usually how I first tell a tailgater they are too damn close.

    • Works best if the tailgater is in something expensive lol.

  • +11

    If someone is driving slow (i.e. below speed limit) and holding up faster cars in the right lane, then I have no sympathy for those assholes as it happens too much on my commute to work.

    If you're not on the right lane and tailgated, then those behind you are pricks and should move their asses back to the right lane.

    • Pretty much this, should be a universal law

    • I think in WA this is covered.
      1/. you must keep in left lane if you can. (roughly the idea)
      2. There is a minimum speed limit too. Eg. in 100 kph zone, under 80 kph is illegal if unnecessary.

      If people obey these rules, tailgaters have no excuse IMO.

  • +2

    I don't brake test. You might be 100% right and driving safe but you're deliberately putting yourself and everyone else around in even more danger.

    That's like walking through South Africa or Rio with your golden Rolex in plain view of everyone. Mugging is illegal but there will always be criminals out there, same with (profanity) drivers.
    One of them you can see coming from a mile away, the other you only see a surprise gunshot your face and that'll be the end of you.

  • +5

    Off topic but Australia is horrendous for people staying in the fast and even middle lanes not overtaking. I lose my shit daily at ignorant gronks that think it’s ok just to sit in fast lane Sfa. In USA and Europe people move over, even middle lanes.

    For the record a good brake tap is ok, if you prepared to live with permanent whiplash

    • -5

      Overtaking only applies to the furthest right lane, and it is wrong for individual to be cruising slowly in this lane, mainly for safety reasons. However,you should not be angry at slow drivers in the middle lane, if it is an issue, overtake them in the right. I don't think losing your shit daily over something this trivial is good for you health.

      • +2

        Sorry, the rules are crystal clear on this. Stay left, not right, not middle, unless overtaking.

        • +4

          There is a caviet to the above from CMH, the Keep Left directive only applies to multi-lane roads above 80km/h (or, if the "Keep Left unless overtaking" sign is displayed, then regardless of the posted speed, you must keep left).

          Multi-lane roads with a posted speed limit of 80km/h or less (unless the aforementioned sign is displayed), do not require you to keep left.

          • +1

            @aleayr: Yes, those are the caveats.

          • +2

            @aleayr: Guess it is different with different states, in QLD, the 80km/h rule is 90km/h and the "Keep left unless overtaking" sign only appears on two lane roads. I looked up NSW, yea, you need to be in far left. But in QLD or Vic it is not the case.

            "On a three-lane road, drivers can travel in the middle lane, and can only travel in the far right lane if they meet the criteria listed above."

            Difference in state laws make everything confusing…they should relinquish state law and just adopt a federal law… Reminds me of the whole towing a caravan debacle.. I can't tow a caravan in QLD using a unmodified car but i can in NSW?

      • +1

        If you drive slower than the speed limit in the middle lane, then a driver who is driving faster than you but still under the speed limit will overtake you from the right lane, and hold traffic up. If you are driving slower or at the same speed as the driver on your left, you should be behind them.

        • +2

          Trust me go drive in the USA or Europe you will see the amazing difference this achieves by keeping left

          If you are not over taking anyone in the middle lane you should move left

      • Yep your one of those gronks who annoy me

    • Lol what i really can't stand is gronks jumping in the right lane when it just opens up and they just cruise along same speed as the car that was just infront of them and pretty much block the right lane.

      As for the question considering you where in the left just ignore and laugh as they go past or if you are in a single lane stick to the limit you will be fine.

  • Just install a rear dash cam, problem solved. They should back off as they see it, but if they don't, then do whatever you like asumming you are not putting other at risk and not breaking any laws. If the tailgate hits you or gets angry, you got it all on evidence.

  • +2

    Careful OP, if you suddenly brake, they could brake quickly too. But it may provoke them to follow you or go in front where they'll brake check you.

    Get a dashcam and report them. Safest and they won't know who has been reporting them. This uncertainty will lead to them being cautious and

    • +1

      Police does shit all with such footage

  • +3

    Firstly, I 100% agree with you in that they're jerks - you were driving completely correctly etc.

    BUT….tapping your brakes on them has too much potential to bring about negative consequences to you that you can otherwise avoid.e.g they have accident (at best hassle for you to explain at worst possible serious questions to answer), your actions heighten their behaviour and that could end anywhere. And really it's not going to teach them anything - it's nice to think it will BUT alas folks like those need a much stronger medicine to curb their behavour.

    Honestly I am sure they were d$ckheads - there's enough of them on the roads and also a lot more people who just drive plain thoughtlessly i.e not as stupidly as the formers BUT still outside general road rules and common sense e.g not staying left when not overtaking in 80km/hr+ zones) - you sound like a good driver, best to avoid that kind of BS if you can - there's really little upside to you from it and so the risk vs reward equation just doesn't work IMHO.

  • Just drive a diesel and down shift :)

  • I will very slowly slow down to give them plenty of time to match. I have to turn right into a street that is just after a curve in the road. Whenever there are cars behind me, I make a point of putting my indicator on before the curve, and slow down steadily, keeping brake lights on, to give them plenty of time to recognise that my indicator is actually on for a reason.

    Tapping brakes is too aggressive, and could lead to dangerous behaviour.

  • I had some (profanity) in a huge truck tailgate me on the freeway doing the speed limit once (GPS speed limit). Couldn't really slow down for safety reasons but I put on my hazard lights which helped a bit.

  • +2

    Its amazing the amount of people who think tapping the brakes is ok, that is the same as tailgaters. They are both purposefully doing things they dont need to just to aggravate someone else. Have you ever wondered maybe the tailgater doesnt mean to tailgate but they feel they are at a comfortable distance while your idea of distance might vary from theirs?

  • +4

    "I was more concerned that their appalling driving could cost lives"…but you hitting your brakes could have also cost lives!

    If you were in the left lane, just maintain your speed and ignore them.

  • -2

    You're an idiot for brake checking them

    Even if they were tailgating

    If you brake check them and they have a dash cam you will be at fault 100%

    • +1

      Only if the "brake checker" didn't see a cat or something else in front that the dash cam won't see. Essentially as long as you say you saw something and had to brake the person who runs up your a$$ will be completely at fault.

      People who tailgate are idiots. Brake checking is arguably idiotic as well… But it is soooooo satisfying.

      • Again, that's the definition of insurance fraud. Also are you ok with the chance that any ensuing accident could also involve vehicles behind you two or in other lanes.

        • Again? Have you told me this before?

          All I know is… That if someone has "brake tested" someone… Then there is a strong chance they will lie about the consequences. Especially if a white lie about the consequences will get them off scott free.

          Im not saying this is the way things should be. Just saying its the way things are!

          Best if we live in a world of reality.

          • @SnakeCasablanca: Not to you, but I've mentioned it earlier. Still it should be pretty obvious.

            The only realistic situation where you would be facing trouble for brake checking someone would be if it resulted in an accident at which point it will definitely not be a "white lie" but more like fraud, providing to a false statement and probably a few other chargeable offenses.

            At the end of the day you do you, but what you are describing involves much more serious offenses then tailgating.

    • +2

      No not 100% at all. Nearly always the one who rear ends the car in front is at fault.

  • +1

    You say " I was more concerned that their appalling driving could cost lives"

    Yet you were willing to "tap" your breaks, which could have resulted in them having to swerve to avoid you out of reflex, and thus causing another collision.

    You were an idiot in this instance.

    • +2

      There is also a difference between tapping the brake pedal to make the lights come on and tapping hard enough that the car slows abruptly which could cause an accident.

      I have often tapped the brake pedal to get the lights to come on, I have not brake checked anyone lately because I’ve matured a little and try not to engage them anymore - it just isn’t worth the drama.

    • +1

      I'm sorry, but if you swerve every time you see brake lights in front of you then you need to change your driving habits/style. Seeing brake lights doesn't always need a response from you, especially if you actually are maintaining a safe following distance. Swerving should only be done if you've assessed it would be safer to do that than plow into whatever is in front of you, but breaking should be the first response (after letting go off the accelerator of course).

      Tapping the brakes (to make the lights come on, not necesssarily to slow the vehicle at all) is a valid way of reminding the person behind you that they're so close they can't see what's in front of me and they should be mindful that I may need to brake.

      I am using "you" and "me" in a general sense here.

      • +1

        OP already said they were tailgating, so brake checking isn't a good idea.

        I disagree that tapping the brakes to "remind" someone that they are close is not valid, it is dangerous, brake only if you need to, ignore them if you are doing nothing wrong , as OP was.

        • Tapping brakes is not the same as brake checking.

        • +2

          ignoring them could cost you your life if you need to brake heavily somewhere up the road. Ignoring them is an idiotic thing to do.

  • +1

    They eventually passed - winding down their window and trying to have a go at me…. But when they saw me they decided that would be a bad idea. - I would love for you to elaborate on this, you sound badass

    • +1

      my guess: op had red lipstick on and blew them kisses.

  • -1

    The only reason they're tailgating you is because they want to get past you, it is unfortunate if they're doing this when you're on the speed limit (checked with GPS) and you have nowhere to go, but brake checking isn't going to help the flow of traffic at all and could cause an accident, two wrongs don't make a right and all that as has been pointed out already.
    Just move over when you can if it's a multi lane road, and if not just hold your line and they will overtake you when the opportunity arises?
    Or harden up a bit and do a couple kms over the limit, you get a bit of leeway.

  • Everyone's talking about normal roads, but I'd like to mention there are some roads where you're expected to stop on the side and let traffic pass.

    If you can't think of any, here's one: mountain roads.

    Small mountain roads never come with overtaking lanes, and it could be 15-20km of winding, single-lane roads with blind corners everywhere. You could never have a chance to overtake normally.

    Thankfully professional drivers (buses, trucks, etc) are courteous enough to stop at the designated areas (or safe areas) and let traffic pass, but normal passenger cars/SUVs hardly do stop on the side to let people pass.

    Next time you're on such a road look in your back mirror: if there's anyone behind you, stop and let them pass.

    Heck, the same thing can be said for any road where there's a tailgater and it makes you feel unsafe. Just slow down/stop and let them pass. Unless you tailgate them back, you'll never get into an accident with a tailgater that's ahead of you.

    • Just had road trip to Armidale, I have to say some of those roads are not meant to driven at 100 :) maybe for locals hence I always let them pass as much as I could.

      • Unfortunately I drive up my Hotham a lot, and there's always these guys in huge SUVs that can't take a corner any faster than 20 that will happily pass a bus that gives way but won't do so themselves.

        • Yep! Mt Hotham is a funny one hey… there will be people going way too slow for the conditions even when their car is totally capable of better, and then in icy/low vis/rain/whatever, some locals or maniacs will still be tailgating you when you're going quick! It is a great road when you have it to yourself in a capable car, it must be said.

          • @[Deactivated]: But until a bike overtakes and you crack a spak.

            • @[Deactivated]: Mate I've been overtaken by a bike coming down Towonga Gap Rd (the one connecting Bright/Mt Beauty). I was cheering him on! Super cool haha

  • Had a clown just rush in front of me and doing the tapping brakes shit. What I do, just point my fingers on the dashcam and see how he slowly move over.

  • -2

    If you in vic and going on a road or similar over 80kmph, Under Road Safety Road Rules 2009 Section 130 you must keep left unless overtaking.

  • Just ingore themwhy cause serious collateral damage unnecessarily ?
    Let them do whatever they want and move aside, it’s not your responsibility to teach them ethics and morals, that’s what cops are for.

  • in my younger days, slam the brakes, no time for brake tapping.

    now, i just completely ignore them and get back to listening to what taylor swift has to say. its usually along the lines of how things were before she broke up with a boy.

  • +1

    I gradually slow down 5-10km/h without using my breaks for a few seconds then accelerate back up to speed. This opens up a safe distance. If they catch back up I rince and repeat. I generally wait at least 5-10 sec before repeats and this way I feel I'm passing on the message of unpredictable driver rather than trying to teach a lesson driver. Works surprisingly well.

  • I like to put on my wipers and spray the tailgater behind me. Sometimes they back off sometimes not but I keep my wiper tank full at all times just in case 😂

  • +1

    Pulling the hand brake is more effective.

  • Just maintain a safe speed and drive normally. Don't let someone else pressure you. Try to give them a safe chance to overtake because if they become impatient they will most likely do something stupid to get past.

    • +1

      By slowing down, you increase handling time, if something happens.
      That's how I've handled hundreds of Bruce Hwy tailgating trucks (almost non-stop in some stretches). They don't like it but never seemed angry just irritated. That road is terrible.

      • Yeah some of the truckies are bad ass in tailgating. They do it deliberately not for any particular reason. Nowadays, just get a dashcam and let the coppers do the job.

        • Good idea. Beats the cable across the highway idea.

      • they don't do it for no reason, you're holding them up, they got shit to do

        • They were constantly, and illegally endangering my life, travelling 10ft behind a small car at 99k/p/h. Which on Bruce Hwy at night I was not willing to do with one plus truck up my rear end. It's beyond dangerous driving.

          • -1

            @[Deactivated]: You should have the option to stop on the side and let them pass.

            Unless you're on a bridge or something I can't imagine why you'd prefer to stay in front of a tailgating truck.

            • @CMH: Mainly because it's over a 2000km stretch, and the trucks are almost constantly pushing traffic in the worse parts of the hwy.

              • -1

                @[Deactivated]: So you can't stop and let them pass because it's a 2000km stretch.


  • Short of dropping oil and tacks, what else can we do?

  • Best is to avoid. They dont worth that you endager you life. You never know.

  • I take my foot off the accelerator and get the popcorn out

  • +1

    Been a passenger with pretty bad, impatient, typically speeding drivers (who curse other left-lane drivers who for the most part are doing the limit anyway) - no point trying to teach them a lesson. They will never learn. They just have shit attitudes when they're behind the wheel.

    The only lesson they'd understand is when someone gets hurt - hopefully just themselves but sadly it's another car load of people that suffer.

  • What I learnt in life is not to worry about anything out of your control. You can't control their behavior, it's not like people tailgate by accident. These people are impatient and have a short fuse, brake checking only going to aggravate them. The won't learn from it.

    Just drive as if they didn't exist. They may be frustrated but not angry, and probably learn not to tailgate to begin with as it waste more time rather than save. They prob then learn other way to reduce driving time, either overtake straight away or just find a different travel path, I. E side streets.

  • -2

    Drive faster

  • You sound like a real hero mate.

  • There needs to be real deterrents to reduce the occurrence of these driving behaviours. I'd like to see rear facing dash cam footage as admissible evidence to be used to issue fines or deduct points or at the very least be added to a drivers record.

    Otherwise what is there is no incentive for them to change.

  • +1

    Keep left and let them pass, responding to stupidity with stupidity is great way to get your face punched in and car vandalised.

  • I usually flick on my hazards for a second or two and you'll notice they'll back off on that.

    If you brake check someone with slow reactions, or maybe they're checking their phone and actually do hit the back of your car. It just ain't worth the hassle.

  • hate this (profanity) especially when you are on a bike.

  • +5

    Don't drive dangerously. If the road is as busy as you said, you caused a traffic jam to make yourself feel better

    Brake check no accident

    Brake check accident

    Another brake check accident

    Brake checker hit

    Driving below the speed limit on a freeway

    Stopping on the freeway

    The poor saps at the rear of the traffic jam:

    Following driver not paying attention to stopped traffic

    Following driver falling asleep at the wheel with slow traffic

    Following truck's brakes fail

    So feel free to brake check, slow down and stop when ever you feel slighted! You can teach that tailgater a valuable lesson! And make life worse for every Australian behind you! Don't worry, traffic jam causing legions rarely get caught!

  • +7

    Actually I do remember this tailgating moment when I was younger. My girlfriend at the time was driving me home late at night along a country road. This tailgater was close behind which was concerning her.

    I was so angry, I just grabbed the first thing I could find in the centre console and tossed it out the window back at them.

    Unfortunately it was her house keys I threw out.

  • +2

    Typical passive aggressive Australian driver. Just ignore it, get over yourself and move on.

    • -1

      But the snowflake is upset!

      • +1

        By snowflake are you referring to the guy that thinks he's so special compared to everyone else that he should be able to travel at whatever speed he feels like it… Thinking you're so unique that you don't have to follow the rules like everyone else is what I'd call a snowflake.

    • -1

      As opposed to typical aggressive Australian driver?

    • Looks like someone needs to look up what Passi E aggressive means. I'll give you a tip, brake checking isn't passive…

  • +2

    Just ignore tailgaters unless the situation becomes out of control then consider pulling over to let them pass.

  • -2

    Perfectly fine, people should be maintaining a safe distance regardless.

    FYI you don't have to stick to the left in NSW on roads 80 KM/h and below unless it is specifically marked.

    Other than that continue doing your speed limit in whatever lane you feel comfortable.

    Also for these people claiming "speedo shows less blah": The speedo must not indicate a speed less than the vehicle’s true speed or a speed greater than the vehicle’s true speed by an amount more than 10 percent plus 4 km/h. Meaning you have no clue what speed is correct, gtfo claiming you do because you don't know shit.

    Drive the speed limit and follow the road rules or don't drive at all, simple.

    Also I don't think people actually get what OP is saying when he says tapping brakes. You can tap your brakes to cause the brake lights to come on without really affecting your vehicles speed that much, it just shows the driver behind that you are possibly braking and then they back off.

    • +1

      Since July 2006 speedometers can't read less than your true speed.

      The accuracy of vehicle speedos is covered by Australian Design Rule 18.

      Until July 2006 this rule specified an accuracy of +/- 10 percent of the vehicle’s true speed when the vehicle was traveling above 40km/h.

      That is, at a true vehicle speed of 100km/h the speedo was allowed to indicate between 90km/h and 110km/h.

      An odometer accuracy of +/- 4 percent was also a requirement.

      From 1 July 2006 newly introduced models of a vehicle available on the market must comply with ADR 18/03. Also, from 1 July 2007 any newly manufactured vehicle (excluding mopeds) must comply with this rule.

      This new rule requires that the speedo must not indicate a speed less than the vehicle’s true speed or a speed greater than the vehicle’s true speed by an amount more than 10 percent plus 4 km/h. Significantly, this change means that speedos must always read 'safe', meaning that the vehicle's true speed must not be higher than the speed indicated by the speedo.

      That is, at a true vehicle speed of 100km/h the speedo must read between 100km/h and 114km/h. An alternative way to look at it is; at an indicated speed of 100km/h, the vehicle's true speed must be between 87.3 km/h and 100km/h.

      Significantly, this change means that speedos must always read ‘safe’, meaning that they are not permitted to read lower than the actual speed of the vehicle.

  • +2

    Don't do it! It's stupid, dangerous and makes you just as irresponsible.

  • Pull the handbreak up so they don’t know you are breaking and let them hit you.
    That’s a joke.
    Don’t do that.

    Why do they decide it’s a bad idea?

  • But when they saw me they decided that would be a bad idea

    Is the OP Liam Neeson?

  • Unless my kids are in the car I brake HARD.

  • Anyone behaving in a way that is likely to cause an accident on the road is dangerous. Tailgaters, intentional or regularly careless speeders and brake checkers alike. If this is you GET OFF THE ROAD.

  • +2

    Despite having no front fog lights, my car has a fog light button. Pressing it illuminates my tail lights at twice normal brightness.
    It's annoying enough for any wannabe tailgaters to back off.

  • -2

    Brake checking is idiotic.
    Like when I'm speeding up to pass on a bike ,
    and do a shoulder check for other overtakers and they brake check.
    I will end up punching someone out.
    Mate , if you didn't get a doctorate you just ain't that smart, just like 99% of us , stop proving it everyday.

    Even common sense says ' be reasonable' but all sense go's out the window when driving a car.

    How about you all take a good hard look at yourselves.
    I do this constantly , to learn in all aspects of life.

    Introspection goes a long way when it comes to driving.

    (I also have a light bar mounted on the back of my 4b and would never blind people with it, what farcing morons) just drive and get there safely , til you lose someone close on the blood stained highways you've no idea ,
    you need to pull that fat head in.

  • usually the truckies will keep a distances….except for the few who will be sniffing way too near.

  • -1

    Handle it like this BOSS…

    • And then he drives off fast lol

  • Brake checking gone wrong.
    Siberian edition YouTube.
    My favourite.

    Push them over and punch them out.

  • -1

    My rule is that I will slow down to force them to a safe stopping distance - that usually doesn't happen and they just change lanes. Have got up to 70 in a 60 just to prove a point as they try to overtake me.

    • So , you're a farckwit then .
      Good to know.

      • So , you're a tailgater, then .
        Good to know.

        But seriously, I will slow down until I am safe and then speed up when it is safe - what's wrong with that?

        The 10KMs over is just my little bit of fun. It's not dangerous - if the other driver is in the other lane, why would that affect them unless they are breaking the law?

        In general, Australians are very aggressive drivers…I just don't get it. I used to think all the sun had boiled any semblance of logic from their brain, but I've been here for about a decade now and have still managed to not drive up the arse of someone doing the limit.

        • You purposely speed up so someone else can't overtake you, yet you don't get why Australians are very aggressive drivers.

          Mate, you're the aggressive driver.

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