Looking for a Personal Trainer - 3 Months Commitment with Specific Minimum Goals to Be Achieved


I'm looking for a personal trainer in Melbourne - Eastern Suburbs.

  • The fitness level that needs to be achieved is by mid-March and the minimum goals are clear
  • Current fitness level is about 10 - 20% of what needs to be
  • This is a 3-month requirement and, in consultation with you, will decide how often the PT sessions should be.

  • I can travel to and fro your location if required.

  • I can do weekends if necessary.

  • minimum goals include pull-ups, push-ups, air squats, burpees, sandbag lunges, box jumps, KB swings, etc.

If anyone knows a serious and motivated PT, I'm willing to have a go.

The budget is not that great, unfortunately, but I'm sure we can come to an agreement.


  • Try Vision Personal Training

  • +2

    Trying out for the police force?

    • Nope. The entry standards are pretty low lol :)

      • Ninja Warrior.

        • Ninja warrior will be filmed over the next couple of weeks.

          • @EFC94: I'm trying out for Beverly Hills Ninja Warrior.

  • "Current fitness level is about 10 - 20% of what needs to be"

    so aiming to be 5 to 10 times "fitter" in 12 weeks?

    • pretty much yes. I didn't say it's gonna be easy. I can push myself pretty hard but I need some external help as well.

      I've started the process about 2 weeks ago but I realise I need some help.

      • +1

        How are you measuring this? it's not a realistic goal. Everything has different standards.

        For example;

        If you currently squat say 40kg you are never going to squat 200kg to 400kg, or you can but you will be an extremely rare occurence.

        You need to set goals on dynamic activities that are specific. I.e. I want to be able to run 1km in 5 minutes 2km in 10min, 5km in 25min, Squat 80kg Bench 50kg etc etc etc

        Then you do what you need to get there.

        • Yes, you are right.

          The goals are set specific dynamic activities and achievable.

          I'm not training for the worlds strongest man.

  • How many sessions per week can you commit to training and can I get a rough idea of your budget?

    • I can commit as much as needed, after/before normal work hours, and on weekends.

  • +1

    Hey man,

    Try also scope out if there are any local calisthenic groups/classes that can assist in this.The only thing that won't really be covered much is KB swings. But regardless, probably good to learn how to do body weight movement the best way possible. If you get hooked those goals will change fast. That pullup becomes the first muscle up, first 10 pushups turn into surviving a 'pushup belt/pyramid' etc.

    You can start half these things at home. If you can hang up some gymnastic rings at home then you're laughing.

    Anyway, good luck. You will see results in 3 months, even if you struggle with good form pushups or if you can't do a single pullup. Just train bloody consistantly.

  • What I don't understand is why you need a personal trainer to start. What kind of help are you expecting from a PT? Is it to help you complete sets near failure?

    You already know your goals and these are strength related. IMO, PT would be helpful if your goal were muscle gain or fat loss.

    My advice is to workout a schedule for all the mentioned exercises. Make it 4-5 times per week. Use an app (I use FitNotes Android) to track your progress.

    Edit: As HerpinDerp suggested above, consistency is the key. You have to make sure you do it everyday (or whatever number of days per week) no matter rain or sun.

    BTW, I am surprised there is no goal for crunches 😁

    • | BTW, I am surprised there is no goal for crunches 😁

      there is. I haven't put everything in here.

      PT is more for mental push and correctness I think. It's like any athlete out there that needs a PT even if he's a pro.

      I used to be a pro in sports and I know I need the push. Unfortunately, I wasn't in AUS at the time, hence my questions here. I don't know anyone here or have any referrals for one except for comment #1 :)

  • I met with someone today and we will start early next week. He seems to have good referrals (online).

    He said it's not easy but can be achieved if I'm willing to push hard and train on my own as well.

    Will see.

    • I think certain exercises cause burnout, such as burpees. Yeah they get you fit, maybe for a purpose, but generally can't do them long enough to burn calories. I see quite a few PTs doing boxercising with their clients. I personally think it's a silly choice for an unfit client and just designed to make the client dependent on the PT and an adrenalin experience without doing much good. They'd be better off walking by themself for 3 times as long, or riding a bike. Doing pushups by yourself and climbing stairs will get you quite good results for free.

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