Outdoor Park Gym Wanted

Is there a site that shows those outdoor park gyms. You know the ones that some parks have, and its a combination of pull up bars, situp planks and stuff like that?
Checked my local council and I can't find any (maybe I'm searching for the wrong terms)

While I live in Sydney, Eastern Suburbs (Randwick Council which is what I want), maybe other people who live around their areas (ie from Melb, or Perth etc), can post the ones they know of to share with others? Way cheaper than gym membership and its more fun :) can take dog for a walk, then hop on the bars for a few sets.

One I know of:

Sydney - Waverley - Queens Park.


  • There are many of these in kids playgrounds. Though if you're over 18, I wouldn't suggest you go play on them. Unless you don't mind the awkward stares from moms thinking you're some kind of pedo.

    • but what I'm looking at is not playground equipment. These are designed for exercise and are usually situated away from play equipment for little kids

      • +2

        For adult outdoor gyms, I have yet to see a free public one in WA. I know they're quite popular in some asian countries, e.g. China, but I doubt we'll see that many here in Australia. IMHO, the setup and maintenance costs of such facilities are something that most councils would frown upon.

        Would be pretty cool if they had something like this here.

        • +3
        • +1

          that is amazing HustleGame. That is a great idea! Completely hats off to that mayor. Its def more high tech than the ones that was in my mind lol

        • +1

          Agreed Pauly, I am very impressed with the number of free public fitness/sporting facilities in most parts of mainland China. Communism has taught them to play/share quite nicely with others! ;)

          Sadly, I also don't think we'll see too many here either…our community spirit has been eroded & we've got too many vandalising junkie deadbeat trailer-trash scumbags! :(

    • +2

      This is what the OP is talking about http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amltrmpAsTU

      To the OP - as far as I know bondi beach is by far the best workout park in Australia. They also have a pretty strong body weight workout community there as you can see on their youtube channel.

  • +1

    Never seen one here. There is a fenced off one in Primrose Hill in London (@ the London Zoo end) that gets used quite heavily by personal trainers and by teenagers who probably can't afford gym fees. It's a good idea during summer. It's a bit far to get to though.

    I'd like to see these take off here.

    ETA: Hey look, I found a link:

    Seems like it's called a trim trail.

  • +1

    Stirling Council in WA has installed a few outdoor recreation areas similar to the Miami one. I know of two at Jackadder Lake and Perry Lakes.

    i think they are planning to do it at more Council parks in the area too.

  • +1

    There's some bars and benches/incline benches etc along Cottesloe Beach, and also markers on the path for 500m/1000m (maybe also 1500m) starting at the Indiana Tea House and going both ways. Simple stuff, but really nice to exercise there, with the view of the ocean and a swim after…

    On the river, west of the Convention Centre in Perth there is some movable gym equipment like a rower and cross trainer, some kind of ab twisty thing…and some more if you follow the path around towards South Perth.

  • Coburg Lake Reserve, in Coburg North (Melbourne) has 6 pieces of gym equipment just off Newlands Rd. Proper gym equipment too - not just chin up bars but actual moving parts.

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