Metal detector buying

Looking to buy my first metal detector to bring the kids treasure hunting at parks and playgrounds and beaches. Any recommendations?


  • U might need a waterproof one if you plan to go below water liine

  • Id go for something like a EQUINOX 800 which is as good as some top the the range ones but readouts might be pretty average compared to premium models plus a Pinpointing Metal Detector and a decent shovel

  • +1

    Another option would be to get the cheapest you can find and bury a couple of coins beforehand to give the kids the thrill.

  • This sounds like one of those things parents think is a good idea and spends a reasonable amount of money for 5 mins of fun. If they don't find something reasonable quickly they will quickly get bored. There's only so many times they get excited by finding another rusted bottle cap for their collection.

    Toy one from National Geographic would be the go. Or a second hand good one that can actually find something decent on Gumtree and you'll be going out bush to do some real detecting. IMO

  • +1

    I bought my dad one from Kogan years ago. He does detecting tours for a living now and although he's got a detector that's >$6k worth, he said for foraging in public areas such as beaches and sports parks, the Kogan one is fine. If all you want is to have a bit of fun and find a few cents or the odd lost earring, check it out. Won't cost you a lot and can be used without fear of breaking a large investment.

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