GearBest Not Shipped The Item Even after 4 Weeks after The Order


I bought XGIMI projector for $499 USD from Gearbest around 13th Dec. The item not shipped yet and whenever I check with customer services, they are telling me that they require another 2 weeks to deliver. As of now, they are telling me that it will take 10 business days to ship my order which ridiculous. I want to cancel my order, but since I paid USD, I’ll lose transaction fee $23 which was charged my bank. Is there anyway, I can file a complaint on Gearbest?


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  • +1

    You can file a complaint, but it will probably be addressed in as timely a manner as your item being shipped.

    Wear the $23 if you want to cancel. This is the risk of buying direct from China, you can get it cheaper, but at higher risk.

  • Speak to your bank re a charge back for the fee as they are unable to supply in a reasonable time. (if you used a cc?)

  • How long is the estimated time to dispatch and how long was the delivery estimate?

    Many of these companies do not promise a same day or even same week dispatch, and many dispatch later than their stated dispatch date if you did not chose expedited shipping hence why most standard shipping options are obscenely long.

    Also, it is a busy period for many fulfilment centres and retailers. It is not unusual for 1-3 weeks additional lead time for dispatch.

    • I selected Australian shipping method which should deliver with in 5-10 business days. But this is after shipping, my problem is they have not shipped the product yet. Whenever I talk to them they have the same answer - the stock yet to be arrived and it may take 10 business days.

  • I had an order sit there for 3 weeks…when I looked into where it was the Member page had a tick box for me to click to tell them to 'Ship immediately'…I ticked the box, cursed and it turned up a week later…go figure ?¿?

    • +1

      I hit this button every day. But nothing happens.

  • Try messaging the store rep on OzBargain. You normally get better service talking to reps here 😉😉

    You'll take have to go into your OzBargain profile settings and turn on Messaging.

    • Thanks for the link. I’ll send a message.

  • If it were me, and of course you have to decide if this is worth it, but I’d take the hit and just get my money back and move on. If they’re stuffing you about this much before they’ve even shipped the thing, I’d be hesitant to consider how helpful they’d be if you receive it damaged or something goes wrong with it. But that’s just me.

  • I had this same issue.

    I think you can ask for gear best credit and you can use to buy other stuff. I think maybe you get some bonus points or credit or something.

    Obviously only useful if you plan to buy more stuff from them, it does mean you don't lose the currency fees.

    Did you pay via PayPal can they credit a USD amount of the same to your account?

  • When you researched the feedback on gear best, what did you interpret it as meaning?

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