Flights from Mainland USA to Hawaii

Why are they so expensive? Any tips for choosing flights?
The ones i have looked at for April & May range 300 to 500 One way.


  • +1

    Why are they so expensive?
    April & May

    That's one of the top destinations Americans travel to + Easter break popular time to go.

    You could do a Hawaiian Airlines flight to Los Angeles via Honolulu and use their free stopover to stay there for a bit. Google Flights $1417 showing for May.

  • +1

    It is expensive because that is where everyone in America goes to vacation without needing a passport!

    These are the best deals I can see in May/April to Hawaii….
    AUD$237 from San Jose - Alaska Air
    AUD$260 from Seattle - Hawaiian Airlines
    AUD$264 from San Francisco - Hawaiian Airlines

  • It'd help to know where you were trying to fly from.. it seems reasonably priced from Oakland/SFO/LAX?

    • LAX

  • Agree. It always seems cheaper to come back to Aus and do a Hawaii trip another time instead of from mainland USA

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