Dell UltraSharp U3011 Monitor

I'm really interested in getting one of these monitors. I did a search on the site for some deals and it appears that dell marks these down quote well every month. Does dell always do this or will I be waiting a long time for a deal?


  • Does dell always do this or will I be waiting a long time for a deal?

    Probably, but dell has sales every now and then BUT it may not be that monitor

    They had one a few weeks ago

    Previous Deals here

    on average, expect one in the next month

    if you buy new, you'd expect it to be $1.1 to $1.3 k

    just wait for dell to drop their prices for a sale on these

  • Dell don't really have EOFY sales per say, but I find they offer pretty good deals before the financial year is up which is approaching. good luck

  • The U3011 at $1196 a few weeks ago was an abosolute bargain. You might have to wait a while if you want to pay that price, but there are bound to be some dell deals in the future.

    • Yeah that's the price I want to pay so ill keep my eyes open. It would really bug me if I'd got one and its nearly $600 cheaper a few weeks later

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