Borders Price Guarantee

Just found price guarantee deal from Borders online, a little bit like Officeworks price guarantee). Have not tried this before so no comments about the processing. But if everything runs as the website says, claim will be processed within 30 days, then I would say it is a pretty good deal. For exmple: Discovery Japan costs AUD 23 on Bookdepository (…). And get the same one around AUD 20 from
I would say it is better than the admin sale.


  • +3

    I would move this to the forums section as this is not a deal per-se.

  • Amazon Marketplace - So does this mean books from Amazon itself is fine ? Just got a book "Modernist Cuisine" ~$480 shipped from Amazon US, its $800 on Borders so I can get 10% of the difference ? Sounds like they will go broke with the refunds fast

    • I drew the same conclusion as you - about going broke fast (but they have been doing that anyway).

      To get the rebate you would have to have bought the book from Borders.

      Did you see Nathan Myhrvold on Colbert?

    • "Sounds like they will go broke with the refunds fast" … ahh ha ha ha - but wait, they already have ;)

      Just joking - probably shouldn't joke about something like that!

    • +1

      If you read the T&C of the price guarantee, "The excluded sites are: eBay (any country), Amazon marketplaces (any country), tradingpost AU, trademe NZ, and any other website (any country) allowing 3rd party sellers."

  • +4

    ~forums as its everyday

    List of Pricematch-able stores can be found


  • Dupe! This was posted last year.

  • +4

    The words 'Borders' and 'Guarantee' in the same sentence? :-D

  • Be aware that if you have used a Border's discount code, then they will not subsequently provide a Price Guarantee.

    "The Offer does not apply:
    a. when used in conjunction with any coupons, discounts, incentives or any other offers"

  • +1

    It's nice that Borders is braving up to online shopping…

  • +1

    I noticed that particular term a few weeks ago. As I haven't been buying many books in recent weeks from Australian booksellers (too many free ebooks and much cheaper imports available) I couldn't be bothered a) waiting 30 days and b) risking it with Borders given their parlous financial state.

    When you think about it, that term, given their high prices, even online, is indicative of visible aspects of their financial mismanagement.

  • +5

    For the record, I used this and it worked fine.
    Link to original comment:

    Repost of text:


    Hi Caesar
    Thank you for your email.
    Good News! You are correct, a refund is due as per the terms and conditions of the Borders Price Guarantee for your recent order.
    A total of $110.58 adding the 10% to the difference amount was refunded to the account you have used to place this order. Please allow up to three business days for the amount to appear on your account.
    Thank you for using Borders and we appreciate your business.
    Kind Regards
    Borders Online

    And here's the details of the claim (not C&H though):

    I would like to make a Price Guarantee claim on order #xxxxxxx. Please find the requested claim details:
    a. Was your initial claim made with in 3 days of your purchase?
    b. Competitor website address – URL:
    c. ISBN of the book:
    d. What is the ISBN number of the book being compared ?
    e. Borders Order Number:
    f. Borders Price:
    g. Competitor price in AUD: $
    AU$71.63 (US$71.28 @ Westpac's TT Sell rate of 0.9951, as at 30/12/2010)
    h. Competitor delivery price in AUD: $
    AU$13.04 (US$12.98)
    i. Competitor Total price in AUD: $
    AU$84.67 (US$84.26)
    j. Cheaper to Borders price by AUD : $
  • +2

    Border's Price Guarantee, as good as our Voucher Guarantee.

  • Price matching policyn itself is not a deal. Moving to forums.

  • Does people ever use price guarantee service. I always thing it is a gimmic rather than a userful thing to me (coz I do not price hunt after I got my item)

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